Monday, December 29, 2008
Tae Yang sings "Don't Wanna Try" in ENGLISH
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Officially Orange Belt in Gumdo

my teacher's teacher (Master Estrada) was at the Gumdo promotion test as he has to be present at the promotion for it to be valid. So he was there along with a student who was a lower ranking black belt, she administered the testing. She used full phrases that we were not acquainted with so it made somethings confusing at first. But then we all got the gist. She didn't give me the full test as she did not test me on the second form of drawing technique and short form. I didn't realize this until after the next person had gone up, otherwise I'd have reminded her. I guess that's good for me - less I had to do.
One of the guys in my class had started taking classes a month before me, but he and I are the same belt. But when we line up by rank he insists on being ahead of me due to his month seniority. I always give him a hard time about it, which shames him into relinquishing the first spot - but I don't take it. I'm bringing this up because I thought it was a little amusing during testing that there were 3 orange belts (me, friend & 1 other) and a yellow belt testing. So the yellow belt could've sat at either end of the line and been at the correct position. But when the yellow belt sits on the end my friend is on he sends the yellow belt to the other end because he presumed he was to be first in line being that he had 1 month seniority.
At the end of the belt promotion test Master Estrada commented on what had transpired and he singled me out stating that I had greatly improved. Which is great coming from him.
The only bad part of the promotion test was that I was told to be there for 3:30pm since it was to start at 4pm. I had rushed from an appt. to get there on time and as it turns out not only did I not need to rush, but Gumdo didn't get to start testing until 6pm due to the fact that the kids in Taekwondo were testing before us. So Jazz and I had to wait a loooooong time.
At the end of the promotion, when it was time to go home, I said good-bye to Master Estrada and let him know that my daughter was going to start Gumdo soon and how eager she was. She is always doing different forms to show me what she knows and talks about how much she wants to take Gumdo. He asked where she was and I called her over. Without my promting she greeted him with the proper hand gestures and said "Haidong" - which is how how we're required to greet him. I was proud of her for doing that on her own.
Today Jazzmin is going to get surprised with the fact that she is going to get to start Gumdo in February, which is a Christmas present from me. She's not starting until February because she has basketball games every Saturday for the month of January. She is going to be SOOO excited. I am having the teacher call her into his office in such a manner that she thinks she's in trouble. Then he's going to present her with her wooden sword and inform her she'll be taking Gumdo soon.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

And not only is it awkward to handle and my technique not up to par but these swords cost hundreds of dollars. In fact, the one he's going to have us use is $1,000. So what if I break it and have to pay for the repairs (break as in cause the blade to chip). This is all a bit overwhelming to me. I sent my teacher an e-mail asking to paper cut with the real sword again tonight and give the bamboo to my fellow classmates to use. But I also stated that if he still feels I should cut bamboo despite my concerns that I would. We'll see what happens.
Friday, December 5, 2008
I See Crazy People

I also found out the she and this other assistant have been talking negatively about me behind my back. This is all so childish. But the worst part is when people have stupid reasons for taking issue with somebody and then want to go to people in power to get you in trouble. I don't think there is really too much they can say about me - haven't heard of them trying to get me in trouble as of yet. Though I know they've done it to others.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Slave to the Pump

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Update on the Re-Design at My Job
I must admit I went into his e-mail inbox to see what he wrote and what kind of response he received (I can access his e-mails from my own laptop). And he didn't write a quick one liner - as he is prone to do. He wrote a paragraph about how much there is going on with the client he is global relationship partner for (I don't want to mention client on my blog) and the work would be too much of a strain to transfer to his new EA. He built me up to sound like such an asset, I realize that is partially to ensure he gets his way. But it still felt good that he would make effort.
They made changes but it wasn't exactly to his liking so he wrote another e-mail and detailing what he want changed. He said he said that if there are hurdles getting in the way of her effectively changing my assignment to his liking to let him know what the hurdles are and he'll see what he can do to get them out of the way. He also added that "as you can see I'm not going to give up". He's really making a concerted effort to keep me around - so I can still assist him.
It makes me feel good that he's making this kind of effort. I am also glad that while who I technically support and report to has changed it's basically going to be the same as it has been. I worked and interacted with these people already when I was my Partner's EA so it's really not going to be much different.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Change in Title at My Job

They gave me this song and dance about how proactive I am with a strong skill set as well as the ability to multi-task and because I'm so compitent I'm bing "rewarded" with this lower rated title that they've been telling us for so long was compareable to Executive Assistant. Kind of hard to believe they think so highly of my skill set when they're giving me a 3N job down from the 4N level I had.
Another bad point is Directors and below give very little at Christmas time where as my Partner was good for $500 every Christmas.
On the upside I don't have to work for this annoying Director I have, on the down side I don't know any of the 15 people I've been given to support and could get somebody worse. 3-4 of the Directors I'll be supporting are female and female bosses aren't the greatest to have. It's just a fact that it's not uncommon for them to be inconsistant with expectations so you're always trying to guess what they want. And female bosses are less inclined to curb their tongue and they make snarky, rude remarks. Let's hope the females I'll be working for aren't like this.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Jazzmin's Basketball Game

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I've got those no-good-redeployment-blueees! Oh Yeeeaah!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Jazzmin's Annual Physical
So anyway - I went to the new doctor this morning. Can't say as though I was impressed - Jazzmin did not speak of any problem breathing, despite being an active child, yet prescribed an emergency inhaler for her to have if she needs it. OK... Let's see - if she never spoke of having breathing problems then when would these times of needing the emergency inhaler happen? He's treating a non-existent problem. The reason he wrote the prescription was as a result of a breathing test they had her do. But if the test says she needs it and the patient doesn't have any breathing problems - wouldn't that be a cause to think that something is amiss with the test?
It's not as though her other pediatrician was so amazing, but... It's not exactly easy to find good doctors in the Bronx. If she had any real health problems I'd have to find a doctor in Manhattan - not that Manhattan is full of amazing doctors. You still find more "misses" then hits - but at least the hits are attainable.
But end result of her physical is she's fine and can play on the basketball team. Her first game is on Monday!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Jazzmin's Dad Court Date
Jazzmin is staying with her paternal grandmother while I am at my gumdo tournament this weekend. She's going to bring Jazzmin to visit her father. So that meant I had to finally tell Jazzmin that her father is in jail. She took it very well - she seemed unaffected by the news. When I told her that is she feels bad at all about this that she should tell me - but she said it didn't bother her because she's not used to seeing him that much anyway. I cross my fingers that she is not too adversely affected by her father and his absence.
It's times like these that I am glad that she has the teacher she does at taekwondo as a male role model. I feel like somehow having an alternative male figure/role model helps ease the absence of her dad on some level. After all she adores him and he does go beyond just teaching martial arts -but also teaches proper behavior, encourages her to read while waiting for me while I'm in class, gets on her case if he's eating unhealthy snacks, etc.
Well, we'll see what happens with her dad. Wish he hadn't gotten himself into another mess.
Friday, October 31, 2008
The Wordy Shipmates
Here is a summary of the book:
The Wordy Shipmates is New York Times best-selling author Sarah Vowell's exploration of the Puritans and their journey to America to become the people of John Winthrop's "city upon a hill" - a shining example, a "city that cannot be hid."
To this day, America views itself as a Puritan nation, but Vowell investigates what that means - and what it should mean. What was this great political enterprise all about? Who were these people who are considered the philosophical, spiritual, and moral ancestors of our nation? What Vowell discovers is something far different from what their uptight shoe-buckles-and-corn reputation might suggest. The people she finds are highly literate, deeply principled, and surprisingly feisty. Their story is filled with pamphlet feuds, witty courtroom dramas, and bloody vengeance. Along the way she asks:
- Was Massachusetts Bay Colony governor John Winthrop a communitarian, a Christlike Christian, or conformity's tyrannical enforcer? Answer: Yes!
- Was Rhode Island's architect, Roger Williams, America's founding freak or the father of the First Amendment? Same difference.
- What does it take to get that jezebel Anne Hutchinson to shut up? A hatchet.
- What was the Puritans' pet name for the Pope? The Great Whore of Babylon.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Yup - I've Got Pineo Blood Running Through My Veins
Anyone remember how Mom used to do that - buy one of every color in clothing, shoes and jewelry? Mom was nothing if not color coordinated. :) And I believe my aunts have this same disposition so that's why I attribute it to Mom's side of the family in general.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Holy Halloween Batman!

Of course, I could bring her door to door trick or treating in apartment buildnigs but I'm not going door to door wondering which one is going to be be the weirdo or serial killer. There are plenty of good people in my area but the element of surprise where there is potential for dealing with the crazies doesn't sound appealing to me.
Incidentally, Jazzmin is going to be Queen Amidala from one of the Star Wars movies - the character Natalie Portman played. It's a girl costume yet it's sporty - just how Jazzmin likes it. She's not really into the girly costumes like barbie, cheer leaders or the like.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Theatrics of Gumdo

According to my teacher, my form is fine and I just have to work on the "threatrics" of it. Look intense and as if I'm kicking somebody's butt - if not slicing them to pieces. Uma Thurman is to be my example of making an intense face. Or maybe I should just do Ben Stiller's "blue steel" model face to show intensity. lol I don't know how well I'll do in trying to act like a fierce fighter. I'm told I have a look of worry on my face when I'm doing my forms - not exactly intimidating. But usually by the time we get around to doing forms - I'm tired. So maybe that tiredness looks like worry. We shall see how I do.
As far as the competition goes - the good thing is the break down the categories by rank, gender and age. So perhaps I will be the only female of my rank/age to be competing in the weapons category and will automatically get first place! :) Or 1 of 3 wouldn't be so bad - at the very least I'd get 3rd place then. :)
I hope I don't get too nervous when I'm competing - I just want to get through it and do a decent job of it.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Nova's Truce
Phone Svc. From Cable Company

I also think about the black out NYC had several years ago. Will I still have phone service during a black out? But then again, how likely is it that we're going to have such a massive black out in NYC again.
I am getting the service installed the first week of Nov. - hopefully it's all it's cracked up to be and I won't regret the change....
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Hockey moms in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
Last Wednesday, Sheriff's deputies arrived at the home of a woman in Akron, Ohio named Addie Polk, in order to evict her. After 38 years in that house, Ms. Polk had fallen behind on paying the mortgage. It was so bad that the company that held that mortgage, Fannie Mae, had foreclosed.
In fact, it was far worse than anybody knew. Addie Polk couldn't bear it any more. So, rather than be evicted, she shot herself in the chest.
Evidently she will survive. And, after Congressman Dennis Kucinich brought her plight to the floor of the House, Fannie Mae, the mortgage giant you and I and all the rest of us pretty much own now, agreed it would forgive Addie Polk's debt and, when she gets out of the hospital, let her go back and live in her home again.
That this is already a gothic horror story, you'll agree. But I left out one detail. Addie Polk is 90 years old.
In the self-pronounced area of expertise of the Governor of Alaska—energy—the real experts of both parties are at a loss to figure out any way, even'drill, baby, drill', that might lower gas prices before 2018. We are at war in two countries and a lame duck President with no reason to check his own imbalance still has dreams of one more.
And a 90-year-old woman, trapped in the middle of a financial meltdown, shoots herself and she's still in better shape than the economy. Yet, the Governor of Alaska wants to talk about somebody Barack Obama doesn't know very well, and what this somebody Barack Obama doesn't know very well, did, during the year Obama was eight and the Governor of Alaska was in pre-Kindergarten.
And she wants to talk about Reverend Jeremiah Wright. And she doesn't object to being introduced with a reference to Barack Obama's middle name. Well, this is my suggestion. In much the same way we, America, in the corporate persona of Fannie Mae, have forgiven poor Addie Polk of Akron, Ohio.
We, America, also need to forgive poor Sarah Palin of Wasilla, Alaska. They are both in situations that are beyond their ability to cope. They are both stuck in a crucible caused by forces they cannot comprehend. They are both unable to understand what they are doing.
After stumbling through a clumsier version of it at Englewood, Colorado, the Governor of Alaska said Saturday at Carson, California:
"Our opponent is someone who sees America as imperfect enough to pal around with terrorists who targeted their own country.”
She later defended the remark by adding this was an "association that has been known but hasn't been talked about.”
Governor, Conservative groups have thus far spent ten million dollars this year trying to make something, anything, out of the brief interaction on a charity board between Sen. Obama, and a rehabilitated former domestic radical from the '60s and not even Conservatives have been stupid enough to buy the snake oil, that this was either a close relationship or a nefarious one.
But of course, you know better, Governor. You're smarter than the rest of us. A reporter asks you a horrible gotcha question like'which newspapers do you read' and it takes you four days to come up with an answer, and somehow it's the reporter's fault.
The reporter asks you to name one Supreme Court ruling with which you disagree other than Roe vs. Wade and even though you'd commented on just such a case from Alaska no less not three months ago your eyes turn into a big neon sign reading "Vacancy” and you insist it's because that evil media asked the wrong question.
So you're the genius Governor, and it's your supporters and the undecided voters who are the dopes who are now going to believe the same mickey-mouse crap that Sen. Clinton couldn't get to stick, and Sean Hannity couldn't get to stick, just because it's you adding that word "terrorist” and that phrase "palling around” and dropping the "g” in pal-ling.
And of course, Governor, those same dopes, and we media morons, we are not smart enough to ask about that pesky Alaskan Independence Party, and why you recorded a speech for its convention last March, and why your husband remained a registered member of it until 2002, even though it was founded by a man named Joe Vogler who wanted Alaska to secede from the United States. The way the South seceded, precipitating the Civil War.
The same Joe Vogler who once said:
"The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government, and I won't be buried under their damn flag.”
And who also said:
"I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions.”
Shoot, Governor, them's strong words, hah? Did he wink as he said 'em? You betcha! So, where does Joe Vogler rank on the scales of "terrorists who would target their own country?" Your opponent's guy Ayers wound up on a volunteer anti-poverty committee in Chicago.
But your guy Vogler wound up founding a group that wanted to rip one of the stars off the American flag! Well, ok, Governor, Vogler's more your husband's guy. So it's your husband who's been "palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.”
But I'm assuming you've been "palling around” with your husband. But, gee willikers, Governor, you know what's best. You're not one of these Washington insiders who would notice that though that's a straight line connecting you, your husband, and this Alaskan secessionist, you're*standing under a banner with the campaign slogan "Country First” and if somebody out there puts two and two together they might just ask, "which Country dja mean? The Country of Alaska?”
"The heels are on,” you said with another smile. "The gloves are off.”
Well, if you're telling William Kristol you want to talk about Jeremiah Wright fer sure! So, Governor you don't mind addressing whether this Pastor Muthee is a terrorist? Do you? We've told you before about Pastor Thomas Muthee.
He's the preacher who visited the Wasilla Assembly of God church a couple of times while the Governor was there, ironically enough, just about as many times as Bill Ayres has met Barack Obama and, see, there was this one time where Pastor Muthee actually laid hands on the Governor.
And I'm sure that sounds like just some crazy anecdote, except there's videotape. And of course the Governor talked about this moment, the laying on of hands, just last summer.
It was in October, 2005, as the video indicates, when Muthee put his hands on Sarah Palin's back and said, "make a way for Sarah, even in the political arena. Make a way, my God. Bring finances her way, even if for the campaign in the name of Jesus.
"Every form of witchcraft, it will be rebuked in the name of Jesus. Father, make her way now. "
And the Governor said that "bold” approach of Pastor Muthee was one of the reasons she became Governor and she gives him just oodles of credit for puttin' her on the path.
The problem for the governor is that in 1999 The Christian Science Monitor reported that Pastor Muthee had gotten his start a decade earlier in Kenya, in the Nairobi suburb of Kiambu.
Kimabu was crime-ridden. So this character Muthee showed up, and announced it was the fault of this woman in town who he had decided was a witch. And Muthee gave the witch a choice: either be saved, or get out of town.
And the woman initially chose none of the above, but this became less than a viable option when Muthee got 200 of the townspeople together and they decided, heck, you know, Muthee's right, she probably is a witch, and the next thing you know the police are raiding her house and reportedly shooting her snake because if she was a witch, the snake had to be a demon, and then the woman left town and everybody said crime went down and most of the bars closed and this is not only how Pastor Muthee got started but he's proud of it and he tells the story in his testimonial videotapes and people in that church in Wasilla where he laid hands on the Governor knew all about it.
And they think it was just a Joe-Six-Pack, Hockey Mom kinda thing to do, to let a guy who branded some woman in Kenya a witch, demand that God make some different woman the Governor of Alaska!
Governor, what would you call someone who arrives in a suburb, blames a resident for the local crime, organizes a mob to threaten the woman, convinces the authorities to go and raid her home, and then chases her out of the suburb?
C'mon Governor, just give us one answer that has something to do with the question you were just asked. That's right you'd call him a terrorist. And since it was in his own country, that would make himmmm? Yes, very good, a domestic terrorist.
So, you, Governor, you've been "palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.” Say it ain't so, Gov! Say it ain't so! Of course it is.
The Governor of Alaska ignores Addie Polk and the American tragedy that is a 90-year old woman shooting herself out of shame and panic and who knows what else. Over the mortgage!
Instead the Governor of Alaska wants to start calling people terrorists and insisting of Sen. Obama that quote "this is not a man who sees America like you and I see America” and whose rhetoric like that, and the "pallin' around with terrorists” line were rightly described by the Associated Press yesterday as a wolf-in-sheep's-clothing kind of way of slipping racism into the equation, because it's a nifty trick to remind the white folk that (psst) Obama is black.
But overriding this sleaziness and dog-gone it, the Governor of Alaska has got to be the sleaziest politician working the stage at the moment, there is the sheer blessed stupidity of letting herself become the bomb-thrower when her own life is full of domestic terrorists.
Governor? Bill Ayres? Your hubby was in this secessionist hate group for which you recorded a video.
Governor? Jeremiah Wright? That pastor you credit with helping you become Governor, is either a con man or a psycho who believes he can tell which woman in the village is the witch, and which woman is the governor.
And Governor, there's also "The U.S. Council On World Freedom.” You should ask Sen. McCain about that outfit and why he had to scat away from it 22 years ago.
Or, ask him why yesterday his own brother Joe referred to Northern Virginia as quote "communist country.” Or you could ask him about Pastors John Hagee and Rod Parsley. Or about why Sen. McCain said about introducing Jeremiah Wright into this campaign, "there's no place for that kind of campaigning, the American people don't want it, period.”
Or don't ask. You know best. You're the one selling the patent medicine. Those of us out here, we're just the suckers pulling out our greenbacks. Go on talking about this man Ayers and trying to link Obama to that word "terrorist.”
But be prepared for others to ask you about your pastor and terrorism. And for still others to ask you about the First Dude and terrorism. But not me, Governor.
I forgive you. You are about as guilty here as poor Ms. Addie Polk in Akron. And I hope that after what you've done to yourself, you recover as well as she seems to be doing, and that you too get to go back and live in your own home again.
Because if you think the terrorism con, and the racism sting are going to do anything but bury you and Sen, McCain, you need to pick up one of those how-many-ever newspapers you reed and check the headlines to find out what people are really worried about right now.
Otherwise, when you said "the heels are on, the gloves are off,” you got as close to telling the truth as you've ever gotten, and without really knowing it.
Because, for you and Sen. McCain, Governor, it's not the gloves that just came off.
Obviously—it's the wheels.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Jazzmin on the Basketball Team

Jazzmin is super excited to be on the team. All weekend she talked about how she couldn't believe that she made it. I'm glad, now, that I didn't sign her up for band. Band is more expensive then basketball and she's happy doing only 1 of the 2 activities. But she definitely wanted to do something extra after school. Band is $45 a month plus rental (or purchase) in instrument. Basketball is cost of uniform plus a 1 time $30 ($40?) fee. They end up playing 20 games - 10 home and 10 away games. I plan to take half days for the away games during the week. I don't know any of the parents well enough to entrust them with my daughter's safety.
The good thing is, now that she's on the team, it's almost assured she'll get on the team next year. Then in the 7th grade she has to try out for the varsity team in her school. And that's pretty much a guarantee also. I know Jazzmin is really going to enjoy competing against other schools and seeing if she can beat them. She loves the challenge.
.Dude looks like a lady

Turns out - the person was a boy! I've seen this kid in class for over a month and there was no question in my mind that the person was a girl. Even Jazzmin swore he/she/it was a girl. I was so shocked. Later, when I got home, I started thinking that the teacher was joking with me and the student was indeed a girl. But then the next morning when we were headed for taekwondo class we saw the student on the street, in boy clothing.
Oopsy - my bad!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Jazzmin's Chipped Tooth

Jazzmin's grandmother is going to pick her up from school - I have a dentist appt. for tomorrow. This is the absolute wrong time for her to chip he tooth because I am ultra broke. I called Dawn and asked to borrow money to cover the cost of fixing her tooth. I'm fairly certain that it costed me about $125 to get both teeth fixed, so I'm guessing fixing one tooth will be about $60. And this dentist doesn't bill - it has to be paid up front. I hope everything turns out OK and the fixing of the tooth costs the same as it did last time.... or cheaper?
I called my insurance and at least Jazz's dentist is still in-network. I couldn't remember the name of wha they did to fix her teeth last time so I don't know how much it's going to be covered. It's either going to be covered 50% or 80%.
This whole incident stresses me out.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Jazzmin's ELA Test Results

The score is from 1-4 - 1 you fail, 2 below standard, 3 meets standard, 4 above standard. Jazzmin got a 3 in reading and 3.5 in math. When Jazzmin would do the practice tests - her teacher would always give her a 2. So I was worried about the out come of the actual ELA test.
But I've come to realize that Jazzmin's 4th grade teacher is not the greatest. "Ironic" how everybody's grades went down when they went into her class and now in 5th grade Jazzmin's grades are back to being in the 90s. And, thankfully, Jazzmin's dizzy spells are gone now that she's not in her class anymore.
I'd tell the principal about the situation but I've dealt with her before. Just a waste of time.
No Money, No Fun

I hate being broke. :(
Monday, September 29, 2008
Latest SNL Spoof on Palin
Friday, September 26, 2008
Another Sign of Palin's Incompetence
Baby Daddy Drama
I feel bad for Jazzmin. I think she'll deal with it OK because she's used to not having him around but I think she deserves to have a good father. I know she'd love to have one.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Asthma going away?

But I've had a period of time before where I felt I was getting better only to have it go back to how it was. Though this time is different because I've never been able to workout like that with my asthma. I was thinking about it - my pulmonary doctor said it would take about 4 months before I'd start to notice improvement (re: from the time I gave Nova up). It reminded me that I am also feeling the affects of the 2 cats I got rid of in April - so that means in August is when I should've started to improve from not having them around. Maybe I am feeling the affects of those 2 cats not being around and next month will be even better (when predicted I'll start to feel better without Nova).
I am crossing my fingers that I do finally make a full recovery from asthma. I'm afraid that it's going to be a permanent thing - though I know it's an irrational fear. I can't wait to feel what it feels like to be normal again - it feels like forever since I've felt 'normal'. I will be so happy to be symptom free!
And an added bonus is I'll get in shape faster since I'll be able to do more during my workouts since I won't have asthma hindering my performance. Yeah!
McCain - Liar, Liar - Pants on Fire!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Officially ADDICTED!

Time passes so quickly when I play this game and when I am not playing it, I'm looking forward to the next time I can play it again! lol The only bad thing about it is only one person can play and save their progress. Would be better if Jazz could have her separate account.
Alaska Residents Protest Palin's Nomination

Thursday, September 18, 2008
I'm Sick :(

I had heard that if you put hydrogen peroxide in your ear that it will help ward off a cold. When I used it on Tuesday night it was really bubbling in my ear so I figured it must be killing some germs. But, obviously, not enough germs to prevent me from feeling worse the next day. Who knows if it helped stop it from getting worse then it already did, don't know.
I came into work today thinking that if I suck down lots of lemon tea that I would be fine. Now I'm starting to think that was a bad idea. But I might as well stay since I'm here. We'll see how I feel tomorrow morning.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Haidong Gumdo Testing

Before class my mouth started getting dry and I was afraid I was going to forget some of the moves just because I was nervous. It was pretty obvious to anyone who looked at me how nervous I was. People were trying to be encouraging and tell me it was going to be ok. What I didn't know prior was that most of the techniques and forms we did was done as a group instead of alone in front of the instructor. That makes it much easier because if you're unsure you can just follow along. When testing started and we were doing warm ups - the combo of having a dry mouth due to nerves and asthma caused me to gag a few times but, thankfully, I didn't throw up. I could hear Master Estrada asking my teacher what was wrong with me after I did that.
I made a mistake with the paper cutting - you're only supposed to bring the sword down level to your waist but I kept bringing it all the way down to the floor. I was just nervous - that's the problem. When my teacher was telling me to use the proper stance - I was too nervous to comprehend the words coming out of his mouth. So he said it in English. But Master Estrada was very sweet about it saying, "It's OK, you're only a white belt. You just have to keep practicing." He was so nice, in fact, when this one kid was doing the candle snuffing (putting out candle by the wind your sword movement creates) and having a hard time - he let him continue to do it until he put the candle out. The kid tried about 30 times. I thought we were only allowed 10-15 tries. I did the paper cutting in lieu of candle snuffing because I was a white belt. Next belt promotion test I'll have to snuff the candle. Not looking forward to that as it's not easy. You have to swing the sword from behind your back and bring it over the candle without knocking the candle over yet getting close enough to the flame that it goes out. You end up stopping just short of getting close enough to the flame, which was the kid's problem.
Now that I've met Master Estrada I won't be so nervous during testing next time.
Palin skit on Saturday Night Live
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tae Yang sings Chris Brown's "With You"
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sarah Palin Hypocrisy Re: A Woman's Right to Choose
Ode to My Big Toe

I got a pedicure on Saturday and it looked as though my nail was completely torn from the nail bed. But my nail still felt securely in place. Last night a little blood started coming out of the side of my nail while I was in Gumdo class.
OK, maybe my injurred toe is not appropriate fodder for a blog but I am bummed about it. It could take about 6 months for things to be resolved. If the nail stays on I have to worry about water getting underneath and creating fungus (which is resolved by soaking in white vinegar). Or will it, in fact, come off and then I have to walk around with no toe nail. Gross! As of last night I've started wearing bandaids on my toe so as to ensure nothing pulls at my toenail to encourage it to come off further.
And who is to blame for this? My former pedicure guy - he cut the sides of my nail at the top that were connected to the edges of the nail bed. He said it was to prevent ingrown toenails and I thought nothing of it. But obviously when kicking in sparring the fact that part of the edges weren't attached made the force of the kick pull up my nail. Had he not cut the sides I doubt I'd be in this situation.
So annoying!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Recipe for Success
Monday, August 25, 2008
Size of Fat vs. Muscle

Every website I went to find out exactly how much bulkier fat is - they did not give out numbers. But the pictures say a lot.
I also wanted to find out the difference between muscle and lean muscle. It was described that regular muscle comes from weight lifting and a specific diet to build up mass. Lean muscle is developed by diet and multiple reps with light weights. It really is 'mission impossible' to try and find a valid answer to the size difference between the 2 (if there is at all). I just wonder does regular muscle have fat in it and that's why there's a need to label some muscle 'lean muscle'?
My real goal is to find out why I see the shape of my body go down yet my weight go up. I realize muscle takes up less room, etc. But I weigh so gosh darn much that it doesn't seem to the complete answer to my query. I don't feel I have the fat or muscle to justify my weight. But if one of the 2 could be labeled the culprit then it'd have to be muscle since I'd be wearing 3-4 clothing sizes larger then what I do now if what I weigh was based on fat.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
My Fast Metabolism

As strange as it may sound, I don't enjoy the act of eating enough to want to do it all the time. It's becoming a nuisance more then anything. I have to be in the mood to eat - and hunger doesn't necessarily put me in the mood. I guess it may sound like I have some eating disorder but I just have never been a big eater, ever. I remember Mom used to buy carnation instant for me because she was concerned about my low food intake. I think that's what they had Grandpa Holloway drink too, to make sure he was getting proper nutrition.
Hopefully my metabolism slows down to a normal pace so I am not hungry all the time anymore.
High Blood Pressure Meds

The first one he gave me caused my feet to swell up and my ankles were easily made sore from walking. Anybody whose had extreme water gain in the feet knows what feeling refering to. It's really unpleasant to walk more then 6 blocks with this discomfort. I can only imagine the water gain the rest of my body must've had from the meds - maybe I'll notice my clothing a little loser after I've not being on the meds for a few days.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Summer Coming to an End

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
"Like Sand Through the Hourglass....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Hunger & My Weight Loss

But I know if I want to lose weight I can't binge when my tummy is screaming for food like this. So I have to suffer the hunger in order to reach my weight loss goal. I am going to have my trusty hot chocolate - that always helps chase away the hunger. It's actually relatively low in calories and has the added bonus of giving me my chocolate fix (admitted chocolate addict).
I hope this is all worth it. At the end of the summer I hope I will have lost lots of weight and be noticeably skinnier. I can never tell if I've lost weight unless it's significant - so I am not sure if I've lost weight. I think I have. Another problem is getting on the scale isn't a valid measure of my weight loss because I am not only losing fat - but gaining muscle from my workouts. I have been keeping up the 5 workouts a week - only 3.5 weeks to go. Of course I will be working out 4 times a week once September starts up - but it will be more spread out. Instead of Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs, & Fri. it will be Mon., Wed., Fri. & Sat. And no kick boxing after this month - only Gumdo and Taekwondo.
Well, wish me luck on my weight loss!! :)
Favorite Video/Song of the Moment
I ordered the CD last week - hopefully it will come in soon!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Thinking about Dad
