I got a pedicure on Saturday and it looked as though my nail was completely torn from the nail bed. But my nail still felt securely in place. Last night a little blood started coming out of the side of my nail while I was in Gumdo class.
OK, maybe my injurred toe is not appropriate fodder for a blog but I am bummed about it. It could take about 6 months for things to be resolved. If the nail stays on I have to worry about water getting underneath and creating fungus (which is resolved by soaking in white vinegar). Or will it, in fact, come off and then I have to walk around with no toe nail. Gross! As of last night I've started wearing bandaids on my toe so as to ensure nothing pulls at my toenail to encourage it to come off further.
And who is to blame for this? My former pedicure guy - he cut the sides of my nail at the top that were connected to the edges of the nail bed. He said it was to prevent ingrown toenails and I thought nothing of it. But obviously when kicking in sparring the fact that part of the edges weren't attached made the force of the kick pull up my nail. Had he not cut the sides I doubt I'd be in this situation.
So annoying!
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