Thursday, September 25, 2008

McCain - Liar, Liar - Pants on Fire!

David Letterman gets on McCain's case for cancelling as a guest last minute - McCain had said was running to the airport to help fix the US' financial problem. And then McCain is seen doing a live interview with a different show based in NYC, proving he lied to Letterman. Letterman hates when guest cancel last minute and rags on them during the show as a result - McCain is no different. Though there is a portion of it where he praises McCain's actions when he was prisoner of war years ago. Check out the video:


Tipa said...

I remember, back when I lived in California and McCain was just another senator, thinking he sounded like a pretty cool guy. Moderate, not afraid to be sponsoring bills with the most liberal Democrats, and so on.

What happened? He's not that guy anymore. Now he just lies, lies, lies.

So much for being a maverick. So much for the straight talk.

I wonder what the time was, the night he decided to drop the straight talk and become a professional liar.

Genjer Leigh said...

It's like David Letterman was saying - something isn't right. McCain's strings are being pulled and they're pulling him him in the wrong direction. Perhaps he has a shady campaign manager or something. McCain just keeps damaging his campaign over and over again. If i were a McCain supporter I'd be highly upset with how things are being handled now.