But I've had a period of time before where I felt I was getting better only to have it go back to how it was. Though this time is different because I've never been able to workout like that with my asthma. I was thinking about it - my pulmonary doctor said it would take about 4 months before I'd start to notice improvement (re: from the time I gave Nova up). It reminded me that I am also feeling the affects of the 2 cats I got rid of in April - so that means in August is when I should've started to improve from not having them around. Maybe I am feeling the affects of those 2 cats not being around and next month will be even better (when predicted I'll start to feel better without Nova).
I am crossing my fingers that I do finally make a full recovery from asthma. I'm afraid that it's going to be a permanent thing - though I know it's an irrational fear. I can't wait to feel what it feels like to be normal again - it feels like forever since I've felt 'normal'. I will be so happy to be symptom free!
And an added bonus is I'll get in shape faster since I'll be able to do more during my workouts since I won't have asthma hindering my performance. Yeah!
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