Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Update on the Re-Design at My Job

While I was initially really bothered by the change in my title and assignment at my job, I have come to terms with it. What makes it better is that the Partner I support is making a concerted effort to ensure that who I've been newly assigned to changes. He is trying to get my assignment to be filled with people that work closely with him. That way I still will be doing work for him even if I am no longer officialy his assistant.

I must admit I went into his e-mail inbox to see what he wrote and what kind of response he received (I can access his e-mails from my own laptop). And he didn't write a quick one liner - as he is prone to do. He wrote a paragraph about how much there is going on with the client he is global relationship partner for (I don't want to mention client on my blog) and the work would be too much of a strain to transfer to his new EA. He built me up to sound like such an asset, I realize that is partially to ensure he gets his way. But it still felt good that he would make effort.

They made changes but it wasn't exactly to his liking so he wrote another e-mail and detailing what he want changed. He said he said that if there are hurdles getting in the way of her effectively changing my assignment to his liking to let him know what the hurdles are and he'll see what he can do to get them out of the way. He also added that "as you can see I'm not going to give up". He's really making a concerted effort to keep me around - so I can still assist him.

It makes me feel good that he's making this kind of effort. I am also glad that while who I technically support and report to has changed it's basically going to be the same as it has been. I worked and interacted with these people already when I was my Partner's EA so it's really not going to be much different.

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