The first one he gave me caused my feet to swell up and my ankles were easily made sore from walking. Anybody whose had extreme water gain in the feet knows what feeling refering to. It's really unpleasant to walk more then 6 blocks with this discomfort. I can only imagine the water gain the rest of my body must've had from the meds - maybe I'll notice my clothing a little loser after I've not being on the meds for a few days.
So now I have to take this new medication for 2 weeks and then go back to the doctor. If this has the same success of lowering my blood pressure as the other one did (with no adverse side effects) then I will likely be put on the next higher dose. My current blood pressure is 130/80 (after first mediction) and he wants to get the second number down to 70. So we'll see what happens.
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