She gave me a breathing test and said that the results weren't really bad. Of course I was still on the Advair (daily asthma medicine) when I took the breathing test. So really it was just measuring the effects of asthma that Advair wasn't helping. With each test I coughed like crazy after the fact due to the asthma. My asthma has been super bad for the past week, I got out of breath just walking at a normal pace 3 blocks to the doctor's office.
She thinks that because I feel the effects of asthma even when I'm not near the cats, that maybe I just plain have asthma. And perhaps it was just a coincidence that I became symptomatic when I was dealing with the new allergies from the cats. But considering Brenda had similar symptoms to me when she had her other cat - and they went away when that cat left, I still think it's allergy related asthma.
I was given some free samples to try for 2 weeks to see if they work. I was given Singulair as my allergy pill because it also addresses asthma symptoms (which the one I'm taking now, Zertec, does not), I got a new daily inhaler which is an aerosol instead of powder and the emergency inhaler I need to use when I workout is a dry inhaler. That one is unique - you have to insert a capsule in the device, break it and then inhale. This one is supposed to help for 12 hours whereas most emergency inhalers only last 4-5 hours. So we'll see what happens. As it stands now - the Singulair is not doing a great job with my allergies. Have had slightly itchy eyes, itchy throat and sneezing today. Maybe the problem is she told me to take the Singular at night and the medication has since worn off? Maybe I'll start taking Singulair in the morning instead.
I spoke with Dawn last night and she said that if getting rid of 2 of my cats doesn't help my asthma that she'd take Nova. If I still have issues without Nova there then we know it's not him and I will take him back. If it turns out I get better without him there - then Dawn generously offered to keep Nova. It was super nice of her to offer that! So at least if I can't keep Nova - I can still visit him. He is a really great cat - very easy going, loving, patient and playful. I've never seen him hiss (even when being hissed at) or do anything remotely aggressive. Hopefully he's a keeper. ;)
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