The doctor checked to ensure that my blood was oxygenated enough (who knew you could check that w/o blood sample) and did a breathing test on me. She then did this treatment which I have never had before. Basically it was a mouthpiece with cool vapors bringing up liquid medicine as a breathed normally through the mouthpiece. That helped to a degree.
She said she was going to prescribe a little more prednisone for me so instead of stopping tomorrow - I'll be on it until Tuesday. Turns out she never called in the prescription as it wasn't there when I went to pick it up this morning. I called into her office but she is in a conference until mid-afternoon. ::sigh:: Yesterday she also told me to go to a different facility to get a chest x-ray. She just wants to make sure that it is the asthma causing this and not something else. So I am awaiting the results from that.
I took 2 prednisone pills today even though I'm supposed to take 4, I will take the other 2 once she calls in the prescription. I feel about 70% OK now. Slightly labored breathing and slight tightness in chest. I hope this can get resolved ASAP - I just want to find out what the deal is and fix it.
Hadn't seen this when I texted you. Hope the doctor can figure out how to fix what's wrong.
Yeah, me too. I don't think whatever is going on with me is anything uncommon. Just a matter of her getting the complete picture before going forward.
I'mi feeling better then I did when I posted this post. I feel about 95% OK now. The prednisone is really helpful. Really irritated that she didn't callin the prescription as she said she would do yesterday. Hopefully she doesn't forget today. I'm going to call around 3:30pm if I don't hear from her before then.
I am sorry they still haven't figured it out. Could it be something in the air in your apartment? The vents, heaters?? Maybe you've just developed "asthma as an adult"; I had minor asthma issues. Never as bad as you have it, but my doctor said that she thinks I "outgrew" it. It is uncomfortable; I hope they find the right meds soon....
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