Jazzmin is going to be with her Grandma Simon Wed. - Fri. due to school being closed. Maybe I will go to class on Wednesday when I don't have to deal with picking Jazzmin up. I was also thinking about waiting until Saturday to start back up with classes. Saturdays tend to be more tranquil, which is not to say that I won't have to work out just as hard as the other days. It's just on Saturdays there are a fewer students and it doesn't have the boot camp atmosphere. I really should go on Wed. though instead of putting off the inevitable. We shall see.
I think I am going to take Dawn up on her offer to take my remaining cat for the summer. I'd like to see if I feel normal again. I'd like to know what it feels like to feel normal again. Every day my asthma is on my mind - everytime I approach a staircase (which is often), I wonder how out of breath I am gong to get going up. Lately, it's not uncommon that if I lay flat in bed that I feel a slight tightness in my chest from the asthma. Asthma, asthma, asthma - I am so over it.
I have an appt. with the pulmonary doctor on Friday - we shall see what comes of that. If they can work some magic then it looks like Nova (cat) is stuck with me. I am so annoyed that I stayed with the allergist I initially went to when the onset of allergies reared it's head. A quack, no doubt, that should not be allowed to practice medicine. My first hint should've been when they did the allergy test to see what I am allergic to and cat did not come up positive. Let's see - without cat I was OK, with cat I have allergic reaction - obviously their test was wrong. Instead they told me I was allergic to 2-3 things that I have never had a reaction to (ragweed, etc.). But I didn't care if I got shots for those as long as I got shots for the cat allergies. When I started with the shots they didn't even have cat allergies as one of them - I had to request it. Even after having told them I have cat allergies at previous visit. There are several other things that happened that lets me know this place is only interested in milking people's insurance for immunatherapy shots and don't really care about the health of the patient.
Hope everything works out. Also, my friends who are allergic to cats say it can take a while for all the cat dander to really go away -- gotta wash everything, etc. -- at least you don't have rugs all over your apartment, that should help! So don't despair if you don't see immediate results.
Oh, I didn't know it took time for the dander to really go away. Well, I washed all my floors, changed the cover for my futon couch and have a new comforter on my bed. I also have an air purifier. So I made my best effort to rid myself of any trace of the 2 cats I got rid of.
Part of the problem is I think I am most allergic to Nova (the cat I kept). When I only had the 2 cats I had mild sneezing and itchy throat - it wasn't until getting Nova that I started getting real issues. So it was either Nova or the sheer volume of cats that brought all this on.
But thanks for the info., hopefully it's only a matter of Arecibo/Azucar's dander going away.
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