First he starts by having his sister invite Ji-Soo out for dinner and then he "just happens" to show up with Yuichi. Trying to force his sister and Yuichi into being a couple and trying to force Ji-Soo to see him as a love interest. But when that doesn't work he employs the help of his sister to break up Yuichi and Ji-Soo - so she plants a story in the paper that she is dating Yuichi. Hoping Ji-Soo will see that and get really upset, it doesn't work. Gi-Tae takes to waiting outside her apartment when she goes out with Yuichi. Showing up places he knows she will be. She tries to let him down gently - but it only makes him more determined to get her to change her mind.
Yuichi has to go back to Japan soon since that is where his company (the one he is heir to) and family are. He proposes to Ji-Soo in a grand fashion with a romantic gesture. But the scene ends with them in each other's arms and her having not given an answer. Later on she accepts his proposal. Gi-Tae gets more desperate so he waits at her door again after a date with Yuichi and demands she gets in the car. He drives her off to some desolate area to plead once again for her to be with him. When she declines he threatens that if he can't be with her then neither can Yuichi. It kinda seemed like he was implying he was going to kill her or himself - but I guess I was wrong. Instead he seeks to ruin Yuichi's car insurance company by starting one of his own and taking Yuichi's employees.
A side story going on is it's becoming increasingly evident that Gi-Tae's mother arranged the death of his half brother. Thus making way for Gi-Tae to be sole heir instead of the black sheep of the family that they want to send abroad to never return to Korea. The fiance to the dead half-brother suspects foul play because how the accident came about was a scenario out of character for her fiance. So she investigates the matter on her own since the police have already ruled it an accident. The mother finds this out and gets visibly nervous everytime she gets an update on the young girl's investigation. It doesn't appear that she suspects Gi-Tae's mother involvement yet.
Princess Hours, Disc 2: Shin and the crown princess Chae are still getting on each other's nerves and adjusting to the fact they are now married. Despite the fact the situation isn't p
erfect - Chae finds that she is starting to have feelings for Shin. At one point she thinks he's listening to his discman so she confesses that while she knows he still holds feelings for his ex and would likely rather be married to her; the thought of her not being married to him makes her feel miserable. Chae later finds out he didn't have a disc in the device and heard everything she said. She was very embarrassed.

Shin has a birthday party on the royal private island. Shin's friends thought they'd have a good laugh at the Chae's expense by speaking English to her. All Chae can do is stand there confused - wondering what they're saying. Shin's ex comes by and tries to defend her - telling them to stop. Suddenly, in one breath, Chae answers the 3 questions Shin's friends asked her in English and then walks away. Basically showing them up because she figured out what they had said to her in English and then answered the in English. At the gift ceremony everybody got Shin these expensive gifts, Chae chooses to (instead) make him a gift by decorating Shin's house shoes in a traditional design. Shin's friend's skoff at the gift and Shin just kinda stares out not knowing what to say. Later on he's sitting alone admiring the shoes and tries them on.
During the course of the episode Chae gets upset about Shin treating their marriage as a bargaining tool with his parents in front of her. And he reminds her that she only married him for his money. She gets extremely upset that he implies she's a gold digger and compares herself to some character in a tv show. Shin feels bad about the argument after the fact and wonders what she meant re: her tv show reference and asks his assistant to let him view it. This showing that he's also starting to have some hint of feelings for Chae because is seeking to understand her. Yes - normally that would not be a showing of interest but if you know Shin's character - it is.
At one point Chae and Shin have to go to some function together - as they're getting ready Shin really starts to look at her in a different way. He becomes more attracted to her. During the function they comically dance together (wasn't supposed to be funny - Chae just can't dance).
An important side story in this show is Shin's aunt is intent on having his cousin returned to crown prince and take Shin's place. Yul lost being crown prince after his father died and Shin's father became king. There are other reasons, but that doesn't come out until later on in the series. At this point Yul (Shin's cousin) is only going along with it to make his mom happy after all the suffering she's gone through. So in an effort to start the ball rolling on ruining Shin's public image - she employs the help of a tabloid editor to have people throw eggs at Shin when the press is busy taking photos. When this happens, Chae makes a vast effort to block Shin from being hit by the eggs.
Shin was humiliated and spent a good part of the day alone in his room. After speaking with Yul, Chae decides it's her duty as his wife to go see Shin and try to cheer him up (Shin witness Yul and Chae talking on the porch). Yul warns against it - stating she'll only put him in a worse mood, that it's better just to leave him alone in this scenario. But she goes anyway. As she goes to look for Shin in his room he comes from behind her. He says he is glad to see her - that he knows everybody else will stay away for fear of making his mood worse. But the fact she came makes him feel better. Now being how Shin is - any sign of warmth is major on his part.
Stained Glass, Disc 5: Well I'm almost to the end of the series - only one more disc after this one. This was a very eventful disc. It started out with Gi-Tae giving up on his revenge on Yuichi by ruining Yuichi's company and falls into a deep depression. He was bed ridden due to his depression - so his mother appealed to Ji-Soo to go see him to help him feel better. But Gi-Tae threw her out of his room. Yuichi and Ji-Soo are still going strong and looking forward to moving to Japan and getting married. Gi-Tae decides to enter into a marriage of convenience to move on with his life and forget about Ji-Soo.
Yuichi sets up a meeting btw. Ji-Soo and his father since he intends to marry Ji-Soo. But when his father walks into the room and sees Ji-Soo he becomes very rattled and upset. The same seems to be happening to Ji-Soo. We later find out that Yuichi's adoptive father is actually Ji-Soo's birth father. It turns out Ji-Soo's mother lied when she said her father died - he actually abandoned his Korean family to start a family with this other woman in Japan. Ji-Soo breaks off the engagement with Yuichi pretending it was due to the fact his father didn't approve of the marriage and he was very rude to her. Yuichi tries very hard to convince her to change her mind, but she won't. So his final ultimatum was to ask her to meet him at the church to marry him - just the 2 of them. If she shows up - they marry and go to Japan. If she doesn't then he'll take it as a sign and move on. Needless to say she doesn't show up.
During the course of events Gi-Tae's sister inadvertently finds out that Yuichi's father is actually Ji-Soo's birth father when she snoops in a package Ji-Soo got from her father. Ji-Soo's father sent Ji-Soo every birthday gift he bought for her but didn't send - as proof that he was always thinking of her while he was away in Japan. Gi-Tae's sister quickly shares this information with Gi-Tae and he gets excited because now he sees this as his opportunity to be with Ji-Soo. So he meets up with Ji-Soo but this time he takes a much less aggressive approach and the two of them seem like the friends they used to be prior to when Yuichi came to town.
The disc ends with Yuichi in a car headed to the airport to return to Japan. He takes out his and his father's seperate hotel bills. He notices in his father's bill that he sent a package to Ji-Soo - that's when he starts putting 2 and 2 together. How Ji-Soo has the same last name as his father's Korean name and a bunch of other things. He realizes his adoptive father is Ji-Soo's birth father and yells for the car to turn around. And that's when the disc ends.
It was mentioned in the show that Yuichi and Ji-Soo could get married because even though they're not blood relation -they have the same father and it wouldn't be morally right for them to get married. I also read in one of the Netflix member reviews that everything ends suddenly to avoid scandal. So I guess I am not going to be happy when I finish watching disc 6 next week. But we'll see what happens!
As for the side story of Gi-tae's mother having his half brother killed - it seems that the dead son's fiance is on to Gi-tae's mother and knows she had something to do with her fiance's death. So Gi-tae's mother leaves the country to avoid getting in trouble. So we'll see how this all turns out next week! THE FINALE!

Yuichi sets up a meeting btw. Ji-Soo and his father since he intends to marry Ji-Soo. But when his father walks into the room and sees Ji-Soo he becomes very rattled and upset. The same seems to be happening to Ji-Soo. We later find out that Yuichi's adoptive father is actually Ji-Soo's birth father. It turns out Ji-Soo's mother lied when she said her father died - he actually abandoned his Korean family to start a family with this other woman in Japan. Ji-Soo breaks off the engagement with Yuichi pretending it was due to the fact his father didn't approve of the marriage and he was very rude to her. Yuichi tries very hard to convince her to change her mind, but she won't. So his final ultimatum was to ask her to meet him at the church to marry him - just the 2 of them. If she shows up - they marry and go to Japan. If she doesn't then he'll take it as a sign and move on. Needless to say she doesn't show up.
During the course of events Gi-Tae's sister inadvertently finds out that Yuichi's father is actually Ji-Soo's birth father when she snoops in a package Ji-Soo got from her father. Ji-Soo's father sent Ji-Soo every birthday gift he bought for her but didn't send - as proof that he was always thinking of her while he was away in Japan. Gi-Tae's sister quickly shares this information with Gi-Tae and he gets excited because now he sees this as his opportunity to be with Ji-Soo. So he meets up with Ji-Soo but this time he takes a much less aggressive approach and the two of them seem like the friends they used to be prior to when Yuichi came to town.
The disc ends with Yuichi in a car headed to the airport to return to Japan. He takes out his and his father's seperate hotel bills. He notices in his father's bill that he sent a package to Ji-Soo - that's when he starts putting 2 and 2 together. How Ji-Soo has the same last name as his father's Korean name and a bunch of other things. He realizes his adoptive father is Ji-Soo's birth father and yells for the car to turn around. And that's when the disc ends.
It was mentioned in the show that Yuichi and Ji-Soo could get married because even though they're not blood relation -they have the same father and it wouldn't be morally right for them to get married. I also read in one of the Netflix member reviews that everything ends suddenly to avoid scandal. So I guess I am not going to be happy when I finish watching disc 6 next week. But we'll see what happens!
As for the side story of Gi-tae's mother having his half brother killed - it seems that the dead son's fiance is on to Gi-tae's mother and knows she had something to do with her fiance's death. So Gi-tae's mother leaves the country to avoid getting in trouble. So we'll see how this all turns out next week! THE FINALE!
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