The experiment just calls for putting an obect in the water that floats and then adding soap and seeing how the object then sinks. They have you purchase this triptych board to put the procedure, drawings, results, charts, etc. on. Additionally you have to write a research paper. I know it sounds like a very simplistic experiment, but I think it's par with what other kids are doing - perhaps even better. I remember when I helped Jazzmin's half sister do the science fair at the same school - she just put food coloring into the water of a white carnation's water and see how it changes the color of the flower. One girl in her class is doing her project on how far down a particular breed of fish goes in the ocean (and this is a girl who won last year's science fair). But considering the project is required to have an experiment - I am not sure how this is going to be a viable project.
I think what is going to make Jazzmin's project look more interesting is the diagram of water molecules and how they stick to one another. And then another diagram of water molecules when soap has clustered around the molecules - causing the bond to break and thus allowing the object to sink.

The winners will be announced during the honors ceremony. Tomorrow Jazzmin gets her report card and not to long after that they will have the honors ceremony. Last report card Jazzmin got second honors - hopefully this time around she'll get first honors. I think she stands a good chance. I also find out how she did on her ELA test when I get the report card. Am a bit nervous about that because of the questions on the test that ask the kids to speculate - but at the same time expect a certain answer. Like asking the tone of a poem and giving more then one viable option. It's like they're setting them up to make mistakes. So with that being a factor I am stressing re: whether she passed or not. But in all of her practice tests she has passed - so I am sure she did fine.
Good luck with the science project. I am sure she will do fine and aced those exams. She is a smart girl. :)
Be sure to let us know how it goes -- photos are good if they are available. :)
I brought Jazzmin in to school today (instead of her taking the bus) and found out I was able to help her set up. All that entailed was putting 2 trays of water out and adding soap to one.
It didn't occur to me until I was on my way to work that I should've taken a photo before I left. DOH! But I'm sure I read in the schedule of events that the science fair projects were going to be left on display in the evening for the parents to see. So I'll take a photo tonight when I pick her up from aftershool.
A lot of the kids were confused by the instructions for the science fair. It said that 'the project had to be experimental in nature'. They thought it had to be about nature - instead of realizing they meant the project had to contain an experiment. Jazz had told me about that earlier and when I saw the list of projects - 80% were about nature.
In looking at other kid's experments, none of them gave a scientific explanation - well not really. They showed their results but not why, specifically, the results turned out that way. Whereas Jazz has accurate drawings of water molecules before and after soap is added. As well as an accurate drawing of soap molecules. Her project also contained scientific explanation as to what happens to the water molecules, etc.
Half the kids in her grade level had set up and nobody else had a research paper done. It was clearly shown in sample that one was needed. But I think the kids/parents focused on the diagram of what was to be on the board instead of noticing that on the side was a research paper.
I think Jazz has a good chance of at least placing in the fair. Whether or not she wins - who knows.
Oh, and Jazzmin was practicing last night what she was going to say when presenting her project. They have to be able to talk approx. 3 min. about it. It was so cute 'cause she was so excited about presenting her project today.
This morning she said she was nervous about doing it. But I told her that this was just something she was doing for enjoyment and there was no need to be nervous. If she wins, loses or flubs up one of her lines while presenting - it's not the end of the world. I told her she should just try her best and see what happens.
A good thing about Jazzmin is she is able to carry out a task even if she is nervous. She has the drive to forge ahead. One proud moment, for example, was the year before last she participated in the talent show. She was so nervous that her leg was shaking - but she did it anyway. Her talent was singing that year and she won second place in her age group.
I was really proud of her because of that because, to me, that shows strength of character. To do something you really want to do even though you may not be comfortable doing it.
Sounds great!! Go Jazzmin!
Jennifer, It really is an interesting project.. Good job Jazzmin! Take photos!!
XO U-Bruce
@U-Bruce - see recent blog posts for photos! :) I'll let Jazz know you liked her project.
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