Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Crazy Workout Last Night

For whatever reason, the tae kwon do teacher was in a bad mood last night which means the workouts are always much more rigorous. This was possibly the most rigorous class I've ever had with him.

We did our normal warm ups and then did exercises like round house kicking pads our partner holds up going the length of the room and then dragging our partner like a sack of potatos back to the starting point and doing it all over again - repeating until 2 min were up. Another one was kneeling on one leg and then standing up to do a round house kick, kneel again - get up do a front kick, kneel again - get up and do a side kick. Repeating that for 2-3 min - alternating legs with each set. Another was having our partner push us into the wall - we had to push our partner off of us and then round house kick, repeating the process for 2 min altnerating legs. There were a few more exercises - but I think you have the idea. Even the seasoned students who love a hard workout seemed to be struggling with exhaustion toward the end of the work out.

Without the flaxseed oil I'd have never been able to keep up. Normally I would've had a hard time just getting through the ten laps we had to jog at the beginning of class. Usually after the first 2 I start to feel the pangs of asthma and being out of breath. But I kept a good pace last night - at least relative to what I normally do.

I am really excited at the prospect of what being able to do more in workouts will translate into as far as weight loss and muscle gain. My back is so sore today - am so tempted to sign up for one of those "medical massages" but I have to call my insurance to double check that they will cover it. It still seems too good to be true.


Tipa said...

Nothing to do with your post, but I decided to see what this whole 'blogging' thing is about, and I started one yesterday at http://bholloway.wordpress.com. Not sure what direction I will go with it, and there isn't much there now, but there it is.

Genjer Leigh said...

Well, at the very least, you can chronicle things going on with you. I don't think you need to map out a direction. Why restrict yourself?

Hillary said...

I think you and Jazzmin should do some kind of exhibition show for us at the next family get together...