I am so bad when it comes to perfume - if I let myself I'd probably end up with at least a dozen perfumes in my possession! I love all of the Givenchy frangrances - have yet to smell one I didn't love. Right now I have their perfume "Extravegance". But Givenchy perfumes tend to be "night" perfume - they're a little strong for a daytime perfume. That's why I'm getting the Gaulitier's perfume. I am almost done with the Tiffany's perfume I wear.
I've had the same perfumes for 6+ years - it's certainly time for a change! I've always had this habit of using my perfumes sparingly because I couldn't afford to replace them once they ran out. I usually got perfumes when I'd get a little extra cash for Admin Day or something. So that's why I've had my perfumes for such a long time. But lately I've been wearing it everyday so I can use up the old perfumes and get a new one.
One perfume that always makes me think of Hillary is Anais Anais - I remember she wore that in high school. I used to wear Lauren (by Ralph Lauren) in high school. Of course Eternity was and still is Val's scent. The smell of Shalimar and Chantilly still make me think of Mom. And of course - Dad's is Canoe - but he only used it as bug repellent so I don't think that really counts, does it? He only used that when I was a kid anyway.
Yes, I know - how boring.... a whole post about perfume. But I love perfume - what can I say... :)
I love perfume too!! Although, I don't have a collection like you do.... :) I can't afford to- damn school loans! lol! I was told (not sure if it's true) that after a certain time the perfume loses its scent and its no longer good??
I don't have a collection - I just wish I did. I only have 2 perfumes, not counting the Selena perfume I bought (amor prohibido) since I only bought it 'cause I like Selena. I don't necessarily wear it.
I've had perfumes for as long as 8 years and it's never lost it's smell or went bad. I have heard, though, if you leave perfume out in direct sunlight that it will cause problems. But I keep my perfume in the linen closet (have a shelf for personal items like this) - so no potential for sunlight.
One of my sisters puts her perfume in the fridge - I think only in the summer time. I think that might have been to keep it from being messed up from the sun? I don't really remember why.
Ah, good to know! Oh, I must've not read the blog correctly (as always) lol! I never heard of the fridge-that's interesting.
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