Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ripley's... Believe it or NOT!


Tipa said...

I don't get it.

The "vomitorium" thing? The verb "vomit" in Latin means to expel or send forth. "emesis" is the word they used for what we call vomit today.

Now, that carbon nanotube thing is pretty interesting. Basically, what little light the nanotubes reflect is reflected onto other nanotubes, so almost no light at all is reflected back out. Gene Wolfe's book "Shadow of the Torturer" talked about a color darker than black called "fuligin" -- and here it is!

Genjer Leigh said...

If you like this comic strip - here is a link where you can read ones from prior days:

Genjer Leigh said...

Regarding the vomitorium thing - they're just trying to point out that it's odd that the root of the word they used for exit means throwing up to us now.