Monday, March 31, 2008

No Choice But To Get Rid Of Cats

I may have no choice but to get rid of at least a few of my cats. My asthma symptoms have been getting progressively worse. Ever since I started taking fewer shots to build immunity to the allergen - the asthma has gotten worse. Lately, my emergency inhaler doesn't even help that much. I'm going to a different allergist on Wednesday to see if they can resolve things as my current allergist has been a bit clueless or avoiding treating my exercise induced asthma.

In the past several days my asthma bothers me even when I am not exercising. And I can get out of breath just bending over or walking up a several steps.

I hate to be the schmuck who adopts cats and then has to return them due to allergies. I've been doing everything I can for the past several years to avoid that but it may be unavoidable. If I give away cats it will be Arecibo and Azucar to go first and then I'll see how I feel with just having Nova. Truth be told, my allergies didn't get really bad until I got Nova. But he's my favorite and I don't want to give him up if I don't have to.

I'm wondering if I get Nova fixed if that will take care of things. Maybe there is some horomone or something he's giving off that I am allergic to and getting him fixed would resolve all my problems? That would be great if that were the case.


Tipa said...

I was at that point with Nostromo, to where I was unable to be in the same room with him and, uncomfortably, was wondering how long he would live. Thankfully, Ally took him and gave me a cat I am not allergic to in return, so he gets to stay in the family and everyone is happy. Isis enjoys ruling the apartment, and Nostromo enjoys being with someone who has been with him his whole life.

I'm sorry you have come to this difficult choice. Three cats are just punishing your system. For your own health, you have to do *something*.

Genjer Leigh said...

But I wonder why when I'm not arround the cats I still have problems. It's not like I have cat hair on me (at least none I can see). I'm having asthma issues just walking a short distance as it stands today.

If I do bring them back to the ASPCA then I'm going to get a letter from my allergist first to prove to them that the delay in returning them (a couple years) was due to my trying to make the situation work by getting the allergy shots. Treatment that takes 2 years to complete.

But perhaps I just have an incompetent allergist and the new one will easily remedy the situation. Fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

I have asthma as well and it may not be the cats; it could be something else that you are allergic to. Mine is not as bad as other people, but smoke triggers it, sometimes the cold weather, a cold,pollen, dust. I've begun to understand what triggers my asthma a bit better- maybe you should keep a log of when you have the episode, weather conditions or what you have been exposed to throughout the day. Maybe you will find a pattern? I hope you find a solution soon; I know how uncomfortable it is. :(

Genjer Leigh said...

@Ivette - The asthma didn't start until I got the cats. Before then I was completely fine. So I think it can only be the cats.

I'm dropping the cats off this Sunday. I'm going to keep Nova and hope with one cat things will be managable.