Jazzmin's grandmother (aka Grandma Simon) found out about this engineering "camp" that Columbia University is offering to 4th and 5th graders on Saturdays. She gave me the contact information and I left a voicemail at both numbers as well as sent them e-mails. I haven't heard back from them yet. Hopefully they'll let Jazz participate. Another great thing about it is it's FREE!
Jazzmin is excited at the prospect of doing this and is willing to give up her dance lessons in order to do the engineering program. Because the 2 things would overlap.
I'll keep you updated re: what happens!
I got a response and was informed that the kids had to be part of a certain housing complex in order to participate. But I asked the lady to let me know if she's aware of any other elementary school programs. So hopefully something comes out of that.
1 comment:
Hope she makes it!
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