Tomorrow I have grappling in Tae Kwon Do - I have been taking a little extra flaxseed oil yesterday and today in hopes it'll help gear me up for that. I have a love/hate relationship with grappling - love it when I'm winning - hate it when I come home bruised and abused. I don't even mind losing it's the pain that goes along with it that I don't like. Fortunately there should be some females in class tomorrow so if I grapple against one of them it'll be fine. It's grappling against the men which gets difficult... or should I say challenging. Probably better for me to grapple against the men because if it's harder and more challenging - it'll make me work harder. Which is a better work out. But oh well.
Next weekend I am supposed to go to Brenda's house for a visit. I think we might be travelling to Dawn's - not sure about that just yet. Will be nice to have some days off. Jazzmin has off from school starting March 20th and ending March 28th - so that's why I decided to take a long weekend and go to Brenda's. It just so happens that it's Easter weekend. So next week will be a 4 day work week and the week after will be a 3 day work week. It'll be nice to have shortened weeks.
I have to make reservations for Jazzmin's birthday party. She wants to have it a Chuck E. Cheese - she finally decided. It was between that and doing trapeze lessons. But for the trapeze lessons she could only invite 2 ppl. and at Chuck E. Cheese she gets to invite 10 - so that was the deciding factor. I'm probably going to have the party in May - it's just easier for me that way. Poor girl rarely has her party on or near her actual birthday. But she could care less - as long as she has the party, that's all she really cares about. I don't know what I am going to do next year. So hard to find new and interesting birthday celebrations. I think this will be the last kid party she has. Next year I'll just bring her and 6 of her friends to the movies and dinner - something like that.
We've all been feeling overly tired and sleepy. So, you are not alone. ;) I sleep more than normal now... well sleep is my weakness anyway. I hope this week is much better! :)
Well I feel OK today - but then again I got plenty of sleep last night and didn't have to get up for work. I was really tired Saturday morning 'cause I was at grappling class until about 9:45 - almost 2 hours of grappling.
Hopefully this week will be better. At least this week will be a 4 day work week for me and a 3 day work week the week after. I took some days off 'cause Jazzmin is off for spring break.
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