I tried writing friendly notes and speaking to him directly. He seemed obliging when speaking with him yet he would continue to play his music loud. Even to have the beat coming through the walls is far louder then normal listening range - so it's not like he's playing it a normal level and the walls are thin. When he opens his front door the music comes blaring out. I never once heard the guy who lived in that apartment prior in the 3 years he lived there. My prior neighor was young and had a life yet I never heard him. So there is no excuse for my current' neighbor's behavior.
On new year's eve he was playing the music super loud - at 3:30am I decided to bang on the wall when there was a break between songs to try and get him to turn it down. He came over to my apartment and drunkenly knocked on my door then yelled through it that I should show courtesy by knocking on his door and telling him to turn down the music and that it was inconsiderate to knock on the wall. So I guess I am supposed to show consideration for a person who shows no consideration toward me. Not to mention it's not exactly safe to confront a drunk man in the middle of the night. Needless to say he kept playing his music until 6:30am. I did try calling the police but it's apparent he has a police scanner as both times he turned his off just as the police arrived and turned it right back on as soon as they left.
I finally wrote a letter to my landlord, I had been avoiding it because I felt uncomfortable doing so. If he ever found out I complained to the landlord that might make things worse for me at home. So, I wrote the letter and got a response from my landlord that they've gotten a lot of complaints from other tenants. They asked me to let them know any time my neighor is a problem because they want documentation in case the every try to evict him. In fact, they enclosed a copy of a letter to my neighor stating if he was complained about one more time that he'd be evicted.
A couple weeks ago my neighor started playing his music loud again. About a half dozen times or more in a 2 week span. Not to mention I noticed that my neighbor had run an extension cord out his front door to use an outlet in the main hallway. So I mentioned that in a letter I sent to the landlord when I mailed my rent check.
One of my neighors feels like I was wrong to let the landlord know that they were using the building's electricity pluging their stuff into the hallway outlet. She looked at me like I had done something messed up. I don't get it. She knows how awful my neighbor has been. She said that I should be careful because if these guys move out I could get worse neighbors. I'm not really sure how that is possible?
He's probably off robbing museums...
(That Wikipedia link doesn't show, but Feathers would blast loud polka music at all hours of the night to cover his nocturnal expeditions).
UGH! That neighbor again.. I thought he moved? Or am I thinking about another neighbor that was interested in you?
The landlord needs to evict him asap! That's not fair to anyone in the building. How are you going to end up getting a worse neighbor?? I agree, how worse can it get?
I dislike inconsiderate, ignorant people; it's the most annoying thing. I get so irritated! I hope that he leaves soon..for everyone's sake.
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