Monday, March 31, 2008
No Choice But To Get Rid Of Cats
In the past several days my asthma bothers me even when I am not exercising. And I can get out of breath just bending over or walking up a several steps.
I hate to be the schmuck who adopts cats and then has to return them due to allergies. I've been doing everything I can for the past several years to avoid that but it may be unavoidable. If I give away cats it will be Arecibo and Azucar to go first and then I'll see how I feel with just having Nova. Truth be told, my allergies didn't get really bad until I got Nova. But he's my favorite and I don't want to give him up if I don't have to.
I'm wondering if I get Nova fixed if that will take care of things. Maybe there is some horomone or something he's giving off that I am allergic to and getting him fixed would resolve all my problems? That would be great if that were the case.
"The Builders" by H.W. Longfellow
Working in these walls of Time;
Some with massive deeds and great,
Some with ornaments of rhyme.
Nothing useless is, or low;
Each thing in its place is best;
And what seems but idle show
Strengthens and supports the rest.
For the structure that we raise,
Time is with materials filled;
Our to-days and yesterdays
Are the blocks with which we build.
Truly shape and fashion these;
Leave no yawning gaps between;
Think not, because no man sees,
Such things will remain unseen.
In the elder days of Art,
Builders wrought with greatest care
Each minute and unseen part;
For the Gods see everywhere.
Let us do our work as well,
Both the unseen and the seen;
Make the house, where Gods may dwell,
Beautiful, entire, and clean.
Else our lives are incomplete,
Standing in these walls of Time,
Broken stairways, where the feet
Stumble as they seek to climb.
Build to-day, then, strong and sure,
With a firm and ample base;
And ascending and secure
Shall to-morrow find its place.
Thus alone can we attain
To those turrets, where the eye
Sees the world as one vast plain,
And one boundless reach of sky.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Post for Ivette
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Stimulus IRS Payment Schedule

On a side note - Hillary and Brian get to claim fruity as a dependant for the entire year of 2008. Kid's already making them money and fruity isn't even born yet. Sweet deal!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
My Loud Neighbor

I tried writing friendly notes and speaking to him directly. He seemed obliging when speaking with him yet he would continue to play his music loud. Even to have the beat coming through the walls is far louder then normal listening range - so it's not like he's playing it a normal level and the walls are thin. When he opens his front door the music comes blaring out. I never once heard the guy who lived in that apartment prior in the 3 years he lived there. My prior neighor was young and had a life yet I never heard him. So there is no excuse for my current' neighbor's behavior.
On new year's eve he was playing the music super loud - at 3:30am I decided to bang on the wall when there was a break between songs to try and get him to turn it down. He came over to my apartment and drunkenly knocked on my door then yelled through it that I should show courtesy by knocking on his door and telling him to turn down the music and that it was inconsiderate to knock on the wall. So I guess I am supposed to show consideration for a person who shows no consideration toward me. Not to mention it's not exactly safe to confront a drunk man in the middle of the night. Needless to say he kept playing his music until 6:30am. I did try calling the police but it's apparent he has a police scanner as both times he turned his off just as the police arrived and turned it right back on as soon as they left.
I finally wrote a letter to my landlord, I had been avoiding it because I felt uncomfortable doing so. If he ever found out I complained to the landlord that might make things worse for me at home. So, I wrote the letter and got a response from my landlord that they've gotten a lot of complaints from other tenants. They asked me to let them know any time my neighor is a problem because they want documentation in case the every try to evict him. In fact, they enclosed a copy of a letter to my neighor stating if he was complained about one more time that he'd be evicted.
A couple weeks ago my neighor started playing his music loud again. About a half dozen times or more in a 2 week span. Not to mention I noticed that my neighbor had run an extension cord out his front door to use an outlet in the main hallway. So I mentioned that in a letter I sent to the landlord when I mailed my rent check.
One of my neighors feels like I was wrong to let the landlord know that they were using the building's electricity pluging their stuff into the hallway outlet. She looked at me like I had done something messed up. I don't get it. She knows how awful my neighbor has been. She said that I should be careful because if these guys move out I could get worse neighbors. I'm not really sure how that is possible?
Double Dippng, Gross?

Personally I think it's a bit much - when have you ever heard of a whole party of people getting sick because somebody double dipped? Aren't we equally at risk in getting people's germs if they cough on something (which we are unaware of) and then we touch the object after the fact? Or worse yet if somebody doesn't wash their hands after going the bathroom and we shake hands with them? I would think sharing dip is the least of people's concern. There are so many ways germs can be passed, yet we humans still survive as a species. We as humans are constantly passing germs in so many ways - and in far worse ways.
Your thoughts?
Jazz's Glasses & Connecticut Excursion

After that we were on our way to CT and arrived there around 7pm. While at Brenda's we played rock band (gave our characters much needed make overs). I tried to play on the hard level for a few easy songs and managed not to fail out of most of the songs. But I still have a ways to go to play on hard regularly. Brenda and Jazz did a few of the projects from the physics set she got for christmas. I took pictures with Brenda's camera so as soon as she sends them to me - I will post them. She learned about velocity and gears through the projects.
We went to see the doctor seuss movie - the channel 7 entertainment guy raved about the film. But the movie wasn't all of that - could've waited to see it on video. But at least Jazzmin enjoyed it. I think Brenda enjoyed it too.
We went home on Sunday and thankfully I took Monday off - I hate to go to work the next day after arriving home late the night before. Jazzmin's Grandma Simon picked her up in the afternoon so she could watch Jazzmin today. Her grandmother offered to keep her for the rest of the week and I agreed. Will be good for Jazz to spend time with her - since she gets to see her so rarely. Hopefully there are enough activities at her grandma's so she won't be bored.
Columbia U. Engineering Science Camp

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Jazzmin's Tutoring
Jazzmin had to write a book report last night as an assignment for her 4th grade teacher. There is already a huge difference in Jazzmin's writing, she was really getting into it. She enthusiastically informed me that her tutor told her about trying to write so it's interesting for the reader. And during the course of writing the report Jazzmin decided that throwing in big words here and there makes her report sound better. After each paragraph she wrote she'd read it back to me in an animated way with the appropriate inflection in her voice. Now if she could write more neatly - that'd be great! lol
The grammar book her tutor gave her is supposed to be more engaging and appeal to kid's Jazz's age. She told Jazzmin to complete workpages whenever she had spare time during her easter break but didn't assign her an exact number to do. I'm going to have her do at least 3 or 4 before her school break ends.
It's good to see that the tutoring is actually helping.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Glasses for Jazzmin??
Closeted Paulina Rubio Fan
But the fact that I'm a fan.... that'll just be our little secret, ok? lol
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Strong as an Ox!
On Friday, I didn't do as well as I normally do - but I still did respectably. I was paired up with the only other female in the class. It was hard to do the practice portion because she was not really going at it full strength. Then when it came time to actually grapple - she didn't want to do it and sat it out. Normally this wouldn't be allowed but she's dating the teacher/owner so perhaps he just allowed it due to that. I took turns grappling with the different men in the class. One of them I should've done way better against. Then there is this one guy whose uniform is grimmy, he's extremely sweaty and it's just gross so I wasn't really trying to give it my all and get all that stink on me.
The highlight of the class was when I got one of the co-instructors in a lock. We started on one knee and from there I got up and put him in a headlock. Then we took it to the ground and I wrapped my legs around him from behind. He couldn't get out of my hold and he is a brown belt (2-3 belts away from black belt). Everybody in the class was amazed - another co-instructor getting Sabumnim's attention to marvel at what I was doing. Can't lie - it felt good. Felt even better when the guy I had pinned was remarking that I am strong as an ox! :) Felt good to impress the more seasoned people there. But I think I got lucky with getting the guy in position to begin with because he'd never seen me fight before and didn't know what he was in for. I don't know as though I'd be able to repeat it, but I'll sure try! He's a slender guy so that makes it easier for me.
I grappled with another one of the co-instructors and it was just lights out both times. He would just lay me flat and fall on top of me - that would be it. He was too heavy for me to move and try and do damage. The second time I thought I'd try to give myself some advantage so perhaps the match could last longer, even though I knew I was going to lose. So we started with me behind him attempting a headlock. He just flipped me over on my back and fell on top of me again.
I got to grapple with Sabumnim - but he wasn't really trying. He just got me in a hold where I was on top and he had his legs wrapped around me. I kept fighting but soon realized that as long as he had his legs around me - fighting with the top half was pointless. I had remembered what he said about people always forgetting to use the bottom half of their body in a fight. So I opted to stand up with his legs around me to get them off that way. He held on with his legs and then finally just released.
I got black and blues under my upper arm, I seem to get black and blues there whenever I grapple. I've always thought they were marks left from people trying to pry me off of them, but now I think they're just impact black and blues. Sometimes if you get slapped hard enough you'll get this splatter looking black and blue pattern. That's basically what I have under my upper arms. It's the only explanation I can come up with.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Kim Jung-Hoon (aka John Hoon) Live performance
I think he's going to be releasing another CD soon since he's recently released a single... look forward to that!
View Billy Crystal's at Bat
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Feeling Sleepy......

Tomorrow I have grappling in Tae Kwon Do - I have been taking a little extra flaxseed oil yesterday and today in hopes it'll help gear me up for that. I have a love/hate relationship with grappling - love it when I'm winning - hate it when I come home bruised and abused. I don't even mind losing it's the pain that goes along with it that I don't like. Fortunately there should be some females in class tomorrow so if I grapple against one of them it'll be fine. It's grappling against the men which gets difficult... or should I say challenging. Probably better for me to grapple against the men because if it's harder and more challenging - it'll make me work harder. Which is a better work out. But oh well.
Next weekend I am supposed to go to Brenda's house for a visit. I think we might be travelling to Dawn's - not sure about that just yet. Will be nice to have some days off. Jazzmin has off from school starting March 20th and ending March 28th - so that's why I decided to take a long weekend and go to Brenda's. It just so happens that it's Easter weekend. So next week will be a 4 day work week and the week after will be a 3 day work week. It'll be nice to have shortened weeks.
I have to make reservations for Jazzmin's birthday party. She wants to have it a Chuck E. Cheese - she finally decided. It was between that and doing trapeze lessons. But for the trapeze lessons she could only invite 2 ppl. and at Chuck E. Cheese she gets to invite 10 - so that was the deciding factor. I'm probably going to have the party in May - it's just easier for me that way. Poor girl rarely has her party on or near her actual birthday. But she could care less - as long as she has the party, that's all she really cares about. I don't know what I am going to do next year. So hard to find new and interesting birthday celebrations. I think this will be the last kid party she has. Next year I'll just bring her and 6 of her friends to the movies and dinner - something like that.
Billy Crystal - A Yankee For A Day Today!!

So as a result of this great relationship he has with the team - he has been allowed to play in a spring training game today. I'm disappointed that he's only going to get one at bat as DH (designated Hebrew - as Billy put it lol). What if he strikes out? That would suck. He should be allowed to get on base and do some strategic base running. That would the true fulfillment of a dream. I also wish the game was a night game so I could watch it live. But thank God for - I'm sure soimeobdy will post it.
I saw some film of Billy's batting practice and he actually looked very good! Despite what blog picture may imply. lol Here's an article about all of this if you're interested in reading....
Here is a video from that was filmed during practice - it's got some funny bits as being funny just comes naturally to Billy. He said he had to submit to a urine test and might test positive for malox. lol
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Guitar Hero Pays!
Brenda... You have your work cut out for you!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Jazz Was Tested for Her Reading Level
I wonder if her reading level is the reason why she finds reading so boring in 4th grade?
Friday, March 7, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Joe Torre - A Disappointment

And, worse yet, during the post season there was a game were bugs were literally swarming around the players. You could see the pitcher's neck heavily dotted with bugs. Torre could've requested a stop play - so they could hold off until conditions were better. But he never did. Up to that point, the Yankees were on a clear path to winning - and had the bugs not been a factor, they would have.
I'm really turned off by his hands off approach. That's why great teams start declining in wins - when you get too comfortable in the process and don't strive to improve it. Girardi is taking a more hands on approach to managing and doing a better job of getting the team ready for the start of the season. Getting Torre off the team was a great move, if you ask me.
Can't wait until the season starts!
Completed My First L'Oreal Survey

In return for doing the online survey I was awarded a goody bag which I had to go pick up. I got a jar of anti-aging night cream, waterproof liquid eye liner, lip stick, nail polish and concealer.
I was glad to see they gave me liquid eye liner because I was thinking of buying some. So now I don't have to buy it! Last night I started practicing putting on the liquid eyeliner - it's definitely an art form. Unless you're Amy Winehouse of course - then all you have to do is get it in the general area of they eye. I think with a few more tries I'll remember the technique to do it right.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Barnes and Noble Trip on Sunday

In looking for a second book to read we found this series of books about a magic pickle - a series about a scientist who wanted to learn how to creat a super hero. While doing his research - his lunch falls into the "gamma rays" (or whatever) and become super heros. Actually - only the pickle becomes the super hero and the rest of the food became villans. She's really looking forward to finishing her "Diary of a Wim

I started reading one of the Nancy Drew books to Jazzmin on Sunday - figuring if I didn't start reading i tto her, it would never get read. The book sparked her interest to a degree. I intended to only read one chapter but then she kept asking me to read more - so I ended up reading 3 chapters to her. I guess the Nancy Drew books really do have a way of making the kids want to know what's going to happen next. Something which seems to be a common reaction among kids. So we'll see what happens if I keep reading Nancy Drew to her.
But, you know, reading aloud to her makes me realize how dry the air is in my apartment because I was getting hoarse after the first chapter. It's really too late in the season to run out and get a humidifier - but next year I should really get one. My skin has been especially dry this winter too.
UPDATE: Jazz's First Tutoring Session
I got a note from Jazzmin's tutor stating: "I worked with Jazzmin today and she did some writing for me. I was impressed by her note taking skills. Next week I will hive her a reading assessment so I can find out her reading level and assign her some appropriate reading. I look forward to continuing working with her, she is always a pleasure."
Jazzmin was very pleased with herself when I went to pick her up because her tutor was very complimentary during the tutoring session and she knew the note was a good one. Jazzmin said that her tutor told her that she is able to get the point of a story better then most kids her age. Perhaps this praise and the pride she takes in it will motivate her to do more - knowing how she is, it probably will.
I look forward to seeing what reading level the assessment will say she is.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sour Cream Flavored GRASSHOPPERS!
I couldn't even bring myself to really look at the grasshoppers - didn't want to lose my breakfast, lunch and dinner as a result. Blech!
Discovery Ch.: Inside the Human Body

It had a lot of interesting facts about the body's ability to adapt to the regular demands put on it. Or how the body is able to endure major trauma and come out of it ok. One thing was interesting to me is if, for example, you're a runner - your bones form to compensate for this extra use. Every organ in the human body (except eyes) regenerates and essentially we have a new one every 7-10 years. This includes bones. So if you're a runner then your bones tend to be thicker in the legs. I just never thought that we could do anything to change the thickness of our bones. Nor would I have ever thought that the bone regenerates - I thought the skeleton we have as adults is the same bone we have until the end.
You can learn alot about athletic conditioning for your body, how it works and what to do, from the 'Strength' episode of this series. Additionally you learn alot about how people are able to do draw on "super human" strength during times of crisis. I'm probably not doing the show justice - but I'd recommend watching it. It's very interesting.