Thursday, July 24, 2008

Promoted to Green Belt

I did my testing in tae kwon do last night and I am officially a green belt now! The testing was not easy - actually it was the warm ups that were not easy. I threw up twice during testing due to my asthma, thankfully I made it to the bathroom on time.

I made a mistake doing my form - I get easily confused when I am super tired. I added a yellow belt form step in the orange belt form that shouldn't be there. But he let me do it over again - so that was good. I broke a board with my elbow while it was held vertically on my left side. And I used the trusty ol'ax kick for the other board breaking. I was thinking of using a tougher kick but I was so tired, I opted for the easy way out.

Like the crazy person I am, I stayed for the Gumdo class even though I was super tired. But we primarily worked on forms so it wasn't so bad. I went to bed a little early last night and ended up waking up late as I didn't hear my alarm. I had plenty of time to get ready for work so it was OK. Tonight I have kick boxing - it's the early class (6:30pm) so I will be home early and can rest this evening.

Friday night the taekwondo teacher won't be teaching the class as he is helping to facilitate a seminar in Martha's Vineyard. One of his black belt students will be conducting the class. Hopefully this kid won't get over zealous with the warm ups.


Tipa said...


Hillary said...

Congrats -- way to be hardcore!! Plus I like the color green. :) I am guessing the fill-in instructor will be harder. Let me know if I am right!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Good for you!! That is awesome!!

IDK why? But I am such a chicken to take any of those type of classes. I've always wanted to do either karate or Tae Kwon Do and of course I don't because I am such a chicken!...

Genjer Leigh said...

@ Hillary - I ended up not going on friday. I don't know if it was doing 5 classes in 3 days or how much work the promotion class was, but I was too tired to go.

@ Ivette - If you want to do something, don't let fear stop you. In the long run that leaves you with regret. What's the worst that can happen if you try? You might surprise yourself. I've seen lessor women in class do it, so I know you could do it. And you know it can't hurt you to learn to protect yourself.