Friday, July 18, 2008

My Workout Schedule

I have been doing my '5 days a week' workout schedule for the past 2 weeks and it's working out. Though I'd like to just relax after work, this is only for the summer and I can stick it out until the end of August. Actually, I threw up in Monday's Gumdo class - we had to do 100 jumping jacks and my asthma was not having a good day that day. On humid days my asthma is much worse. So I got the dry throat and then the gagging - then it proceeded into throwing up. But I threw up and then went right back and continued with the class. I actually feel better once I throw up.

I was hoping to take 2 classes in a row, for at least a couple of the days, each week. But, unfortunately, my pulmonary doctor doesn't seem to have any immediate solution to my asthma - so I don't know if I could make it through 2 classes. On Tuesday I am getting promoted to green belt in Taekwondo - so I am going to take 2 classes in a row on Monday so I have extra time to practice. We'll see how that goes. If I survive - perhaps I will do it again the following week.

The kick boxing class is fun - I primarily like it because it's filled with middle aged women who aren't in shape. AH YES, MI GENTE!!! Which is not to say I think I am middle aged. lol The workout is hard but at least everybody is struggling just as much as I am and I'm not being picked on for being the worst.

Next month I am scheduled to get promoted to yellow belt in Gumdo. This has to be done by my instructor's instructor in Long Island. So my teacher is going to drive me and one other student to the school. Gumdo is a tight community - there are only about a dozen or so people in THE WORLD who are masters in the art and can instruct (my teacher being one of them). They don't even put the instruction, etc. in writing so it can't be taught by anybody who isn't part of the federation. I like Gumdo - am contemplating taking it after the summer is over - we shall see.

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