Thursday, July 24, 2008

High Blood Pressure

The last time I went to my pulmonary doctor she said she thought my blood pressure was high enough to warrant medication. While my blood pressure is merely on the high side in the normal range - she still felt it was adviseable that I took medicine to lower it. But instead of prescribing the medication herself she referred me to a cardiologist. Apparently there are some high blood pressure meds that have adverse effects on patients with asthma. And she wanted to give the cardiologist an opportunity to do any other testing he felt relevant.

I initially had an appt. with the cardiologist on Tuesday but he ended up being a no show. I was advised, after they finally tried to contact him to see where he was, that he was called away to another hospital (as his office is located within NY Med. Ctr.). So I was rescheduled for yesterday. Thankfully he opted to grace me with his presence this time. He gave me an ekg and then prescribed a low dose of a blood pressure medication. In a month I have to go back to see if the low dose was enough to control my blood pressure.

The doctor explained to me that, while my blood pressure isn't alarming, if it's left uncontrolled it may lead to health issues down the road. I imagine having high blood pressure causes your organs to work harder and that ends up being the root of problems long term.

Heart issues can cause breathing problems - I am hoping this medication will aid in resolving my breathing issues. We shall see!



Tipa said...

I hope so, too!

Seems you've been getting the run-around on this long enough.

Genjer Leigh said...

I know, tell me about it.

Anonymous said...

wow! If it's not one thing, it's the other. How annoying! I hope this finally resolves- I agree, def. take care of it now or there may be complications later...