When I got to the vet they told me that he had to get a rabies shot and physical before they would even consider neutering him. So I had to fork over an extra $85 for them to do that in addition to the fee for the neutering. I'm just wondering where Nova would contract rabies stuck in my apartment and being the sole animal. Even with Arecibo and Azucar - they were shut ins too - so he couldn't catch rabies from them either. But whatever, thanks to the stimulus check - I had the money for the shots and physical.
I left Nova there for the day and picked him up at 5pm. He was still a little out of it on the way home - so he was feeling no stress. When we arrived at the apartment I just opened the cage and let him decide if he wants to get out or not. I thought maybe he might feel too weak to get out or something. But he got out - walking low to the ground and clearly having issues working his back legs. He made his way under my bed and stayed there until it was almost time for me to go to bed.
All last night he was sleeping with me, but switching positions regularly. First he slept on the my pillow - leaning on my head. Then he moved next to me, then between my legs - back to the pillow and the cycle starts again.
He seems like he's back to normal this morning. He's been very good about taking his antibiotics. So I think he'll be fine. Except for maybe a higher pitched meow - now that his manhood has been compromised.
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