During the last 20 min. of class I was starting to feel really drained, like I had really done a workout when I didn't. I did have to take another hit of my emergency inhaler halfway through class. I wasn't extremely out of breath but I felt discomfort. For the duration of the weekend my bronchial tubes felt sore. Strange, huh?
Also, my body is feeling like a rusty robot since I took the Prednisone. Hopefully that is something that will eventually go away.
I think I am going to limit myself to just Saturday classes until my breathing issues are resolved. If this light class was hard on me - the regular class will be impossible. Even if he gives a hard class next Saturday - it's less of a pain to compensate for my issues 'cause the class is small.
The best cure of asthma is exercise. You're def. on the right road!
Best of Luck :)
Thanks ;) But I've been working out 3-4 times a week for 2 years and it doesn't seem to make my asthma any less bad. Despite the hard work outs. Ah well.
I have asthma too. i joint taekwondo 6 years ago and i feel that i have no asthma anymore...
but i did not do hard exercise...very slow and take time.
now i am feeling well too.
Greeting from Indonesia
Well, I recently found out I may not even have asthma at all. Turns out I have silent acid reflux - silent because I don't feel the reflux. But it damages my throat and causes it to swell up, making it difficult to breath. And exercise aggrivates the situation too. After three years now I know why asthma medicine never completely.
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