I was looking for a way to curb Nova's propensity to pee on anything with
Jazzmin's scent attached to it. Actually, I thought he was spraying but it turns out he was not - spraying the lift leg, peeing crouching. So I found this product which is a product vet's tend to recommend. It has more then one purpose - it not only helps with urine marking but also with stressed out ::coughs Isis coughs:: cats - it's supposed to have a calming effect.
What it does is release friendly cat pheromones. Cats won't pee on something that has the pheromone smell on it. It comes in a diffuser and a spray. So I am going to get this for Nova. Nova needs it for stress anyway - he has been very unhappy since the other cats have gone. Poor thing. So this will not only help his urine issue but make him feel more calm.
I'll let you know if it works!
I feel almost worse for Jazzmin, who has cat pee on her stuff. Yuk! Does she smell like an unfriendly cat? :)
Well, if we keep her stuff off the floor - then the cat won't pee on her stuff. The cat is also not allowed in her room. So if she just remembers to pick up after herself (or at least leave it in her room) then she's fine.
The lady from the rescue place I got Nova from says Nova is telling "the house" that Jazzmin is his friend when he pees on her stuff.
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