About 60%, from what I understand, will remain Partner EAs and the rest will be working as a team assistants. Team assistants work for titles Director and below - getting more involved with the work that goes into the services provided to the client. They say that there's room for promotion as a team assistant. You could potentially get promoted to 'intern' and then to an "associate". Once you're on that track you're on your way to working yourself up to a higher position (e.g. Associate, Sr. Assoc., Manager, Director, etc.). But who knows how likely one would actually be promoted and go that route. Plus I think the salary cap is lower for a team assistant.
I wouldn't want to be a team assistant because it seems to put one in a position of having to do overtime, which I can't do because of Jazzmin. And being promoted into client service positions isn't appealing because these people work crazy hours most of the time. And it's not like it gets better with a higher position - in fact the demands are much more. I wouldn't want a job where I'm working at all hours and basically a slave to work. Sure they make good money but look at the lives they lead - not a lot of time to actually enjoy the money. I think there is a good chance I am going to stay with the 2 Partners I have and just get 1 or 2 added onto my assignment. I feel pretty confident that both of my Partners are going to want to keep me as their assistant. But we'll see what happens!
good luck -- I hope you get the placement you want!
Thanks, I think it's going to work out. My team leader is trying to get 2 additional Partners added to my assignment so that when they go to delegate jobs - they're more likely to let me stay a Partner EA. The 2 new Partners are really just to replace the Managing Directors (considered equal to Partners) that will be taken off my assignment. They are changing it so that the client staff's EA is on the same floor as them. That's why I'l be losing to MDs off my assignment.
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