Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Is Santana Coming to NYC??

Santana is a pitcher for the Twins, ever since the baseball season has ended, the topic of where this coveted pitcher goes has been greatly discussed during the winter trade talks. In a piece written for ESPN.com a writer speculates that Santana will be traded within the next 10 days and he may well end up with the NY Mets! I'd prefer the NY Yankees - but better a Met then a BloSux member (sorry Hillary, if you are still a fan of the Red Socks).

But maybe the writer is wrong and he's going to become a Yankee because the Yankees are said to have the best deal on the table for him. The Twins really need to make this trade because Santana will soon be a free agent and they will no longer be able to use him as a bargaining chip to get younger players to supplement their team. I hope he becomes a Yankee 'cause we really need better pitchers. But, then again, players (in general) do well in other clubs don't necessarily flourish under the hot spotlight of the NY Yankees. The pressure and attention is on a whole other level they aren't used to so they don't play as well. Takes at least a year for a player to adjust to becoming a Yankee and all that goes with it. And some never make the adjustment (e.g. J. Contreras, R. Johnson).

I can't wait for baseball season to start and see how the team does under new management. I think Girardi will do a great job!

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