Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Dean Learner
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
"Fight Science" on Nat'l Geographic Ch.

My only complaint about the show is that it was only an hour long. I really enjoyed it.
Is Santana Coming to NYC??

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Strange Hillary Holloway Pics on the Net

Tax Refund on the Way!

Most of my money is going to go toward paying off bills. I am also going to buy a new box spring and mattress. I inherited the bed I have now from my daughter's grandmother - and when I got it 8 years ago it was already 25 years old. Will be great to get ride of the saggy, creeky old thing.
I will buy some things fun for myself - I need new clothes, both for office and for home. Jazzmin needs clothes too. She also needs a new taekwondo outfit - the one she has now looks totally like high waters. Maybe next year I'll get a couch. We'll see.
Just e-filed my taxes this morning (didn't want to risk doing it at home with my unreliable dial-up connection) and it turns out that I should get my refunds by NEXT FRIDAY (2/8/08)!!! Yeah me! Broke days are over (for now)!!!
This week on Netflix...

I know I already posted regarding what this drama/comedy is about. But just to recap - it's about supposing Korea had a constitutional monarchy (as England does). And the story revolves around an arranged marriage be

Brenda is watching the series for the first time - she doesn't like Shin. I don't think she understands Shin's jealousy over his wife's friendship with his cousin is a sign that he's developed feelings for her. Which excites most viewers - but causes Brenda to greatly dislike him. We'll see what she thinks as the story develops.
Monarch of the

Stained Glass, Disc 3: Netflix has some sort of conspiracy against me - I wanted to receive 2 discs this week but they only sent me 1. It seems these Korean dramas are in great demand and had to be shipped to me from out of state.

The thing about these dramas is that you know that everybody is going to live happily ever after... eventually. But still the story is woven in such a manner that you're still on pins and needles when there is an obstacle in the couple's way and relieved when things seem to be going their way - despite knowing the inevitable outcome. What is also great is the story takes twists and turns you can't predict. They also develop side stories that are part of the main story but also have their own thing going on. What starts off as a snow ball of a storyline turns into a huge boulder as the story goes on - more things get added, drama builds and you just love it.
So when I left off in disc 2 Ji-Soo (girl) and Yuichi (boy) had just embraced and were kissing passionately. I foolishly thought that this meant they'd start to be in a relationship. But when I started watching disc 3 she pulled back and felt he was only interested in her due to pity. Gi-Tai (boy) is still being overbearing with his pursuit of Ji-Soo. He realizes that Ji-Soo has feelings for Yuichi but thinks he can force the issue and make things come his way. Ji-Soo and Yuichi have several moments where they enjoy each other's company and you know they want to be together but things with Gi-Tae just get in the way.
In an effort to break up the tension of the 'love triangle', Ji-Soo moves out of Gi-Tae's family's house. Around that time Gi-Tae finds out his half-brother died in an accident and now he's no longer the black sheep of the family. His father asks him and his mother (as Gi-Tae was the product of his father's infidelity to his wife) to move in and to have Gi-Tae take over the company. Gi-Tae is happy because now he thinks he'll be worthy of Ji-Soo since he's a rich heir like Yuichi and he might gain favor with Ji-Soo as a result. Like the thick headed dope he is - he's wrong.
I can't really do this show justice - because there is so much going on. Not to mention the bits going on in the side stories. But I am loving the story and can't wait to see the unexpected twist and turns this story takes.
Friday, January 25, 2008

Avoiding work, like the champ I am, I decided to post some cute photos of Jazzmin.
The first photo is of her at 16 months old. At McDonalds (that's right, nutrition - nothings too good for my daughter) eating McNuggets - to this day she still eats the "skin" first and then the inside.
Second photo at 24 months(?) with Michael Stuart's (my fav. singer) brother Tommy. She was already crying and fussy at this point so he joked around when posing for the photo and pretended to roar.Third photo is of her at 108 months with her Dad (isn't it annoying when people refer to their children's age in months well after it's appropriate?).
Thursday, January 24, 2008
"Little Britain" skits
Starting Audio Book "Water for Elephants"

"Jack Maggs" was supposed to be as well written a story and in the manner of a Charles Dickens book. From the beginning it was rather boring but I kept listening in hopes the story would become engaging and I would see why it was given such rave reviews. Hours into the book I realized that moment was never to come. I kept listening to the book because I feel obligated to since I did pay good money for the book. Always feel like I should get my money's worth and listen to it in it's entirety.
But when I was a little past halfway through (entire book is 12 hours) - I just couldn't bring myself to listen to it any longer for fear I would slip into a deep coma. The premise of the b

"Jack Maggs" was one of a few books that really disappointed me. Then there are books that are only mildly entertaining. Or books that are interesting but aren't exactly light reading/listening - such as "The Sociopath Next Door" (about why people are/become sociopaths and how to spot them) or "Sex, Time and Power" (about a women's ability to reproduce, etc. and how it affected human evolution and our survival as a species). So I've been kind of avoiding listening to my audio books lately.

The story was entertaining and engaging throughout and I looked forward to plunking on my earphones when I got on the train. It accomplished everything it intended with suspense, action and a little romance thrown in. I tried looking for other books by this author but I'm not convinced that I'll be interested in the subject matter of the other books. I should probably give one of them a shot since I really enjoyed "Double Play".
So, anyway, I'm about 1.5 chapters into "Water for Elephants" and it seems like it might actually be good. Crossing my fingers!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Kim Jeong Hoon aka John Hoon

He is actually very good with his R&B vocals. In his Japanese songs he throws in English verses so at least you'll understand some of it. Next time I have some extra moola - I plan to by a couple of his Japanese albums.
Below are some videos of his - take a chance and listen to them. You may not understand all the lyrics - but you will still enjoy the song. I tried to get Brenda to listen to his music but she wasn't open to the idea. :( I guess she's aware of the rare phenomena of instantly bleeding out the ears and going deaf if one tries out new music in a foreign language.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Netflix Presents.....

The Year of the Dog - This is a 97 minute PETA commercial that misses the mark regarding what it sets out to do. It's obvious that the makers of this film wanted it to be about a woman who loses her dog, to which she was very attached to. Through a series of events she becomes involved with animal rights activism which involves: stealing from her boss to support charities, ruining her in-law's 4-5 fur jackets and bringing her 6 year old niece to a slaughter house to "scare her straight" regarding eating meat which brings her niece to tears. In the end she feels she's found her niche in life as an animal activist and quits her job and rides off into the sunset happy that she's found her purpose. I don't know if it's Molly Shannon's acting, the script or both but they just made activists look completely nuts.
My Little Bride - About a 16 year old girl and a 22 yr old man who grew up together as a result of their grandfathers being so close. The grandfathers had always said they'd be in-laws one day but they both had sons. So the grand kids are asked to participate in an arranged marriage because the grandfather isn't in good health and he really wants this. The family is kinda reluctant and the kids refuse to do it. So the grandfather comically fiddles with the heart monitor controls to "scare" them into getting married for his sake. Which works. Long story short, they end up finding they actually do care about each other and it's a love match. The pairing just seemed a little creepy to me. That aside - it was as good as any American romantic comedy you see.
Stained Glass, Disc 2 - Really liked it - have 4 more discs to go! About these 3 kids who meet in an orphanage (Ji-Soo [girl], Gi-Tae [boy] and Yuichi [boy]) and what transpires when they become adults. (see post about Korean dramas to see premise of story) Fortunately they don't drag out the 3 of them getting together and realizing Yuichi isn't dead. And am really glad that they didn't drag out Yuichi stepping aside so Gi-Tae can be with Ji-Soo - even though she has never claimed any romantic feelings for Gi-Tae. At the end of the disc, Ji-Soo and Yuichi engage in a passionate make out session and Gi-Tae is being sent to study abroad by his father (whose company he works for). The show is really, really good - can't wait for the next disc!
Songs That Remind Me of Mom & Dad
The song that makes me think of, I guess, how I feel about the loss of Dad is probably an odd choice. It's "Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd. I've never seen "The Wall" but ever since I heard it when I was a kid I've always felt it to be the saddest, loneliest song. I know what it's supposed to be about but I've imposed my own interpretation to it (as I did with the "Against All Odds" song). My reaction to it has less to do with the specific lyrics then the over all tone and feeling conveyed.
I miss them both very much.
Result of My Taekwondo Promotion Test

Fortunately the teacher allowed me to take the promotion test even though I wasn't wearing the proper gear. This is my first full fledged promotion test, as last time I did a make up promotion test. He made us do 100 of each exercise (jumping jacks, mountain climbers, crunches, etc.) and 50 laps around the matt. What makes it extra fun is my having asthma - I'm just lucky, what can I say? Then finally we were tested on our forms and techniques which I did fine, despite my lack of extra practice.
The last part of testing is the board breaking. We don't get any practice time to try breaking these 1" thick boards. You do it the day of the test - you get as many tries as you want, but you have to break it in order to be promoted. Being promoted from white to yellow was easy 'cause I got to choose the hand and kicking techniques (have to break 2 boards, 1 with hand - 1 with foot). I chose the easy 'hammer fist' and 'axe kick' (see kick photo) then. But this time around I had to break the board with my hand stretched out like a chop (see first picture, if you double click on it you can see the animation). But instead of chopping down - I had to break it while it was being held vertically on my left side. I was nervous about that. But fortunately I broke it on the second try - but my hand hurt afterwards. I got a bump on the side of my hand that lasted a couple hours afterward. I still got to choose the kick so, of course, I chose the axe kick - since it's the easiest.
Needless to say - I was promoted and am now an orange belt in taekwondo. Soon my hands will need to be registered as lethal weapons.
Jazzmin's Mambo Class, Jan. 19, 2008
The other video is apparently too large a file to upload - which is crazy since it couldn't be much larger then the one I was able to post. ::sighs::

Friday, January 18, 2008
2 Dodos and the One I Actually Like

I kinda regret getting Azucar and Arecibo because it's like having all the work and expense of the pet but none of the actual enjoyment. That's why I opted to adopt Nova (even at the risk of looking like 'the cat lady'), because I wanted at least one normal cat that wasn't emotionally dam

Thursday, January 17, 2008
My Korean Drama Obession

The first movie I took a chance on was "Save the Last Dance for Me?" which is about a rich heir who loses his memory as a result of being injured in a robbery. Then he gets taken in by a father and his daughter who allow him to help out with the running of their inn until he is able to remember who he is. The daughter and heir fall in love and end up getting engaged. The heir ends up bumping his head again and remembering who he is - but forgets about the father/daughter at the inn. He returns to his old life while she goes searches for him. She ends up taking a job in Seoul where the heir works hoping he'll remember her, etc. There's this big love triangle that ensues and there is a lot of romance, action and suspense. It's hard to describe the entire plot without writing "a book" about it. But trust me - it's very engaging and leaves you waiting by the mail box for the next DVD.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Starting a new blog
This blog is only intended for those I send the link to - so please don't forward to anybody else.