I saw a promo for the late night news last week about bed bugs, though I didn't stay up to watch. I decided to check out online what bed bug bites look like to see if maybe that was what was plaguing Jazz and I. And wouldn't you know - the bites look EXACTLY like the ones Jazz and I had been getting. I read up about the bug bites and everything is the same as what we've experienced.
So I've ordred mattress and box spring covers that are supposed to bed bug proof your bed. The only other option would be to throw the mattress and box spring out - but I just bought them! Dont' want to do that. The good thing is, is I don't have a major infestation of them. If I did then we'd get bit more often.
I'm glad to finally know what has been going on so now I can fix the problem. Really hard to combat a problem when you don't know what the root of the problem is. Glad to see there is an end in sight.
I truly, truly hope you can take care of this easily. BUT I learned a lot about bedbugs when I had them, and basically, the only way I could get rid of them was by throwing away all my furniture (including a fairly new mattress and box spring that had no traces of bed bug infestation) and moving out. The exterminator came three times, and even with no furniture in the apartment to hamper them in their work, the bugs came back (I was long gone by then). Bedbugs can live for a year between blood meals, and you can't kill the eggs with pesticide. ANYWAY, I hope that somehow you don't have any of these problems!!
Well, people who reviewed the mattress covers said they worked for them. I read their life span is 6 months to a year. But anyway, we'll see what happens. I hope this resolves it.
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