Thursday, September 10, 2009

Commercial for Jazz's Taekwondo School

Here is the school Jazzmin takes taekwondo and gumdo....


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Orientation for Jazzmin's New School

I went to Jazzmin's school orientation today for Aspire Preparatory - it made me feel good about choosing the school. The school considers itself a college preparatory school and focuses on children excelling everyday not just sometimes. For example, there is a statewide required test called ELA. If you get a 2 you pass, 3 your above average and 4 is the highest score. If a student gets a 2 on their ELA they are enrolled in 'early bird' class to help them be able achieve a 3 next time they take the test. The vice-principal says when he speaks to the children individually he refers to them as doctor, council woman, your honor, etc. because he feels that it reminds them of what is expected of them which is to go to college and aim high.

I like that the offer breakfast before school, though I'll still give Jazzmin breakfast at home but Jazzmin will benefit from eating both at home and school. She only eats a little at a time but she's always up for the task of eating. So by the time she goes to school and they serve breakfast she'll be ready to eat again. I love that I don't have to pay for her school lunches anymore. Thank God. Unlike catholic school, there aren't extra fees here, there and everywhere.

They have uniforms but it's not as strict as the one at Jazzmin's school. Jazzmin can wear a skirt, shorts, pants or capris - as long as they're not jeans, sweatpants or track suit pants. The top is a white collared shirt - but that's as far as the limitation goes. And the great thing is she gets to wear sneakers to school - the color of those is not restricted.

They're remodeling the school yard - instead of having one big tar lott they're going to add greenery, a track, play areas w/equipment and "quiet areas" also. This definitely is a great improvement from her old school.

I feel hopeful that this school is going to be far better then her old school. The really seem to be reaching to better themselves as a school each year, whereas her old school wasn't remotely interested in improving themselves. Most of the teachers were sub-standard, kinda nutty and I had no confidence in their abilities as teachers. I also think it's very telling that a parent who used to be very involved in helping out Jazzmin's old school took his daughter out of the school. When it came time to put her in a middle school he chose catholic school but didn't choose to go back to Holy Rosary. I know it has nothing to do with price because Holy Rosary is on the low side as far as catholic school fees go.

The way they do their grading is certainly better then in Holy Rosary. In Holy Rosary if a student had an off day and didn't do well on 1 test, it doesn't matter if they did amazing in homework, classwork or other - 1 bad test grade severely brings down the whole quarter grade. I don't think homework and classwork should come to mean nothing at all because of one test.

Anyway - let's see what happens. I hope it's as good as it appears to be.